I can't remember a time when you will find me without a camera. Over the past few years my companion has been a P&S pocket cam in my pocket. Often I have several with me. You just never know when you will need to record something. I upgrade often so if you don't need the latest model then I can put you on the waiting list . I notice lots of things and often stop to take a photo but since I purchased my new Canon T2i I seem to be going out of my way more to record "things"

Like these works of art painted on the sides of buildings. Perhaps the world needs another coffee table book titled, "Art painted on the sides of buildings, Volume 1" . It's just what I need, another project to utilize my spare time.

these images, painted on the brickwork are anatomically correct but not necessarily to correct scale. You are able to pick out the major buildings and bridges that identify Vancouver

My renewed interest in Photography has resulted in the purchase of a new printer which I sourced on eBay so I had to have a trunk to transport it home. It seemed that Canon had offered rebates on some of their products and many dealers had taken advantage of the "deals" and submitted their rebates to Canon for re-imbursement so there were great deals to be had on new cameras and printers where they had to remove the UPC label. I also lost the rebate on my camera purchase as my dealer perhaps, did not realize that Canon rebates were in effect at that time. I complained to Canon on deaf ears and they merely said that perhaps my dealer was not a "participating dealer" .
For these on-line purchases I have a postal box in Point Roberts, WA as many on-line vendors will only ship to the continental USA, and often they prepay shipping as in this case where they paid for FEDEX overnight service. We have an ongoing problem with shipments into Canada when you specify UPS as they are greedy and want to charge you $40. brokerage fees plus handling charges, so everyone I know will just ship to either Blaine, WA or Pt Roberts.
Luckily I am Nexus registered so usually I can skip the regular lanes. As I reach the US border I notice this long line. Most drivers are there to pick up their internet purchases.

I chuckle to myself as I am passing this line of cars wondering why they didn't apply for their own Nexus card, then . . .

I get to the front of the line and notice that the Nexus lane is barricaded and obviously closed. Now what do I do, butt into the next lane or what ?
Eventually I make my way to my postal box at the Letter Carrier where I have 5 packages waiting for me

Their main business is packages and they are also a FEDEX and UPS depot

I prefer service here rather than Blaine or Sumas as during the summer the lines are much shorter

Now I am getting anxious. My server goes back and forth a few times and then disappears. All I have are these small packages and I know my printer comes in a huge box. It is the reason I have made this trip across the border. At last he comes back with my printer in hand

I tuck the box into my trunk. There was no way I could have transported these boxes on my V-strom. Now goes the task of opening all the boxes to determine where everything is made for my customs declaration. Today everything I have is duty free, just have to pay the 12% HST
I turn around to look at the dwindling line. Many have come to pick up their new tires. Most people in our car club purchase tires on-line and save hundreds of dollars . Others may ship them to a service centre in Bellingham to have them installed.

I remembered to bring my camera and tripod with the thought of taking some water views but it was overcast and gray, similar to Key West this time of year so I looked at the price of petrol and headed back to Canada

Incidentally, a mile north on the Canadian side in Tsawwassen the fuel is much more

so it costs around $1.00 more per gallon in Canada. This is the reason that most people that live close to the border cross to fill their gas tanks and purchase their food supplies. Most often your food savings will "fill your tank" .
On Sunday I had planned to attend the Camera Swap meet. What to wear, what to wear. For those who know me know that I prefer shorts and sandals over jeans and running shoes. I know people who wear shorts year round, even during the snow of winter. The day started with sunshine staring through the window but I know there is no warmth. I have the 10c rule. Over 10c I wear my summer attire, but below 10c I change to jeans. I couldn't decide as the temperature gauge was "on the fence" .
I even went outside to "test the waters"

After a while I made my decision and arrived at the Camera show. I was looking for a UWA for my Canon. I have always been a Nikon user and I already had a few lenses. With the Canon I had nothing so I had to start over. I now have 4 lenses and one flash unit.

There were many tables full of delicious junque, tripods

and other tables full of cameras and other desireables. Stuff that you just can't do without.

and lots more stuff to ponder. I am a sucker for rangefinder folding cameras, the higher end ones such as Zeiss Ikona, esp Model A (645), or Kodak Retina IIa . I would even settle for a Moskva 2 6x9 folder (Zeiss copy) but nothing of that sort today, only tables full of mediocre stuff or pricey high end current models. I do like Nikon F's and there was one for a cheap price but I have become more selective over the years and let it pass.
I already have a few Leicas in my collection which I don't use so it was no use to purchase more to put in my drawer

As I left the building I noticed this in the bike rack
(My 2 wheeled content for today)I did manage to part with some hard earned $$, so if you ask nicely I may let you know what followed me home