Saturday was our last day in Washington. The morning was booked solid for Hubby and I as we were needed to chauffeur grand kids to and from sporting events.
Hubby had to have Joey, our youngest grandson, to the baseball field in neighboring Puyallup by 7:30. I was responsible for getting Brianna, our granddaughter, to the team bus by 9:00 for an 11:00 game and picking her up from the field in Tacoma where she was scheduled to play.
After I dropped her at the bus, I drove to Puyallup to watch most of Joey's baseball game. Poor Hubby was frozen by the time I arrived.
My cold Hubby and Me |
After the game, I stayed long enough for this pic with my cute grandson...
Me and Joey (age 8) |
...then I went on my merry way.
Before I continue, I have to warn those of you who don't know me very well that I like roadside oddities.
Muffler Men are a particular favorite of mine. Not everyone shares this interest of mine. Bob did.
In fact, in July 2014,
Bob commented on a post of mine, which featured a Muffler Man in Texas, saying...
"We don’t have any muffler men here. I have never seen one, perhaps one day I may stumble upon one."
I wonder if landing on the shoe of a real, honest-to-God Muffler Man counts as a "stumble"?
ScooterBob on the Pyallup Bunyan's Left Foot |
I think it does! :-)
Do y'all think Bob would have enjoyed seeing this guy or what?
I couldn't resist a couple more pics.
ScooterBob and the Puyallup Bunyan |
ScooterBob, Me, and the Puyallup Bunyan |
Thanks to, I knew exactly where to find the Muffler Man. I figured I'd check to see if there was anything else worthwhile visiting in the very limited amount of time I had. There was! So on we scurried.
But first, I saw a very interesting piece of yard art I just HAD to capture.
Skeleton Car Yard Art |
Sadly, I didn't make note of the location.
Our next stop was extra-special. Not only was it "one of the world's largest buildings shaped like a coffee pot," it was named
Bob's Java Jive.
The perfect spot for ScooterBob! |
Me and ScooterBob at the World Famous Bob's Java Jive. |
Now, I'm pretty sure Bob would've gotten a big chuckle out of that one.
After that, it was off to Brianna's lacrosse game, which was at Stadium High School, according to the info I'd been given (yes, I got the actual address).
What kind of high school is that!?!
That's the school building atop the hill. |
According to
this Wikipedia post, the school was built in the early 1900s and is an historic landmark.
What a location! |
That's a pretty nice view, if you ask me. The body of water is
Commencement Bay (part of Puget Sound).
Commencement Bay |
ScooterBob liked the view, too. |
Yes, I did watch a bit of the game, but I know NOTHING about lacrosse. LOL.
After the game, I had to scurry to meet up with Brianna. They won the game 15-14 in the final minutes (after being down 10-4 in the first half).
But first, one last opportunistic ScooterBob pic...
...just to prove he really was in Tacoma, Washington.
We're back in Virginia now. There's no telling what sights ole ScooterBob will see next.