Friday, January 8, 2016

ScooterBob has arrived!

I was so pleased to see the box awaiting my return home last night.  Thank you Sash!  It was sitting on the table on our front porch.

I brought it in and opened it to find much memorabilia along with a second box containing the small wooden scooter.

It was quite a relief.

Today is raining and a workday, so the little guy is working with me this morning.  I am looking forward to having it travel with me on a couple of rides this weekend.

 The front wheel is coming off, needing a quick glue fix that I will do soon.


  1. Good to see ScooterBob arrived safely.

  2. How very cool to get a peek inside the keepsake box.

  3. Looks like the box has magically grown since it left Germany ;-) Thanks Bill, for letting us have a peek inside.

    And you wouldn't be the first to pull a glue gun on SB for some cosmetic repairs...

  4. Looking forward to more adventures. It's been a while...

  5. I glued the fork back together and put the front wheel back on. Now my fingers are stuck together...almost...

    The wood appears to be a hardwood, probably mahogany. It has lost much of its tensile strength between grains. In repairing the fork, the wood split in another location. It is old and dry with pieces falling off readily. I will repair as best I can before passing it on. It definitely requires gentle handling.

  6. After all those miles, I'd be in pretty much the same shape.

    It's a losing battle, thanks for shoring up the scooter. Your best is good enough. Touring things don't often get the attention from an architect.

  7. Cool! Nice to see the growing collection of souvenirs!

  8. Great to see some more activity on lil scooter bob.

  9. Agreed, forward movement of the wooden machine!!

  10. I, too, was tickled to see the treasures.
