I finally did it. I sold my beloved Suzuki GS400s . I have had bikes since the early 60's, that is until I sold them all and was bikeless for nearly 20 years. I had numerous bikes of varying sizes until around '84 or '85 when I sold my GS1100L. I started on a small bike. I remember it was a Yamaha 80 2-stroke, 4 speed. You didn't have to mix the oil (it had posi-lube). You filled a little container on the bike and it would mix with the gas automatically. Back in those days there wasn't really any bike scene, it was just transportation. All bikes were small. I remember my friend bought a brand new Suzuki X-6 Hustler. Boy was it fast. 2-stroke power, 6 speed. He left it with me for the summer as he was going out of town and didn't want his brother to use it. In comparison there was a honda scooter rental place on Alberni street (near Burrard). We used to rent those 90cc step-thrus and ride around Stanley Park. We cranked the throttle wide open and just pushed down on the shifter . . . it would wine and just clunk into the next gear. That's how we rode back then, full speed or stopped, nothing in between.
Then I got onto the X-6 and did the same thing wide open throttle and the bike just wanted to go without you. You had to really grip the handlebar really tight or you would be left behind.
While I had many miles under my belt I wanted to get back into riding, so about 5 years ago I thought that I had the perfect solution. My wife had ridden a small scooter down in White Rock while we were visiting friends. They had a Honda Jog and a large grass field. She disappeared for what appeared to be hours. We were having a group picnic and every one was wondering where she went. Then someone spotted her at the other end of the field -- you couldn't get her off that thing. Well, we discussed it and decided to purchase a scooter. Of course I didn't really want a scooter. My ultimate plan was to get her a scooter, and I would opt for a motorcycle. We went looking at various models, but there wasn't much choice back then. It wasn't that long ago but not like today where there are lots of different makes and models to choose from. We decided to go mainstream and get something that wouldn't be a problem for parts.
We settled on a Yamaha BWS 49cc . We did our job and checked out all the ride heights, as she has a short inseam. Long story short, the BWS was too tall. My plan was to purchase a motorcycle as the second 2 wheel so we could go riding, but now we found that for safety reasons we were looking for a Yamaha Vino, which we subsequently purchased. That's how it started. We had a Yamaha BWS and a Vino. Two scooters in our stable, plus I still purchased the GS400s (since that was my original plan, almost gone astray). So that brings us to 3 bikes.
My idea was to ease back into riding with a machine that wouldn't get you into too much trouble, be cheap on insurance and have a reasonable re-sale value after a year or so. I suppose I should have upgraded it a few years ago but the bike did it's job, always started when you wanted it to and I am glad it went to a good home, another beginner who will learn how to ride and eventually pass it on to another new rider.
This is my new-to-me Suzuki SV650n K4:

And with my new 44L topcase & Givi Bracket:

The riding season is nearly here and I've been busy getting it ready for the road. Whenever you purchase something used there are things that must be attended to. Unlike myself. When anyone purchases anything from me there are no surprises, as I make sure that everything is attended to. I find that when people sell things they don't usually fix it up to sell, rather they sell so they don't have to fix it up.
That was the case with the SV. I have just had it serviced; oil, filter & antifreeze flush, new tires (Michelin Pilot Powers front & back) and a new chain while the rear wheel was off, and new front brakes (double rotors). Everything else is ship shape. Concessions for travelling is the new Givi Bracket and Top box, looks sort of out of place right now, but the saddle bags will balance it out somewhat.
Now if only the sun would come out