They recently opened their doors for business and their scooters have finally arrived and sitting on their showroom floor. They carry SYM and PEUGEOT scooters of all sizes from 49cc to 500cc

(SYM RV250 scooters)
The Sym line has earned a very good reputation for reliability

Langley City is about an hour east of Vancouver. I left from Kitsilano after breakfast and headed slowly in their direction making a few stops along the way. The forecast was for scattered showers in the morning and it did "spit" a bit along the way, but by the time I arrived at the Scooter Commuter, the clouds were disipating and the sun was trying to shine through.

Yes, that's my Kymco X500Ri nestled among the 49's. I really wanted to ride my Suzuki SV650 to test out my new windscreen but since it was a scooter event, I decided at the last moment to ride the scoot instead. It's nice to have a choice.

They did a bit of advertising so consequently there were quite a few people expressing interest in these frugal machines and asking questions
I believe that there were two SYM reps there helping out. We tried to make conversation with them but they seemed to be busy running about and preparing the hamburgers and hot dogs. Here they are again working the grill.

Here's the rest of our group from VancouverScootering.com (<--- click LINK)

The scooters were out in full force huddled under their own tents

and here is a row of SYM Mio's

(showroom inside)
I think James found his next ride, nice looking passenger too

(Driver=James and Passenger=Robert, the Reverend)
I think that this is SYM's 3 seater Mio (a new model ?)

Another angle of their showroom

Guess who took turns test riding the SYM RV250?

Did you recoqnize that bearded person right behind James ?
Here's a better shot of them talking to Robert, the Reverend

Why it's SCOOTERDUDE and Mrs Scooterdudette (Diane). Welcome back to the group and see you both on a ride soon. Don't be shy, we really miss you. Time to exercise your B&W250 .
It was a great day for an Open House. Thank you for the food and beverage and meeting all the staff. So many scooters and the Peugeot line is new for Canada. We finally get to see all the new models.
If you are in the market for a scooter, then go to Preston's Scooter Commuter and see Russel or Kenny. They are most helpful people and if you are in the area do drop in for a visit. They are on Logan Avenue, just east of 200th, in other words just around the corner from Preston Chev Olds (200th & the Langley By-pass)