As previously reported, our Urban Riders of Vancouver group is made up from an unlikely assortment of bikes and people. Many have motorcycles but prefer to ride their scooters within the city, while others have large touring machines.

Last Tuesday we met at our local Kymco dealer for a quick get-to-gether and a group ride to a local coffee shop. Our engine sizes range from 1,500cc Goldwing to 49cc scooter(s). When other drivers look at us riding in our usual formation they cannot be sure that we are together, or not. Perhaps the motorcycles are only there by chance and happen to be travelling in the same direction.

Shortly, we all arrive safely at our intended destination and notice that Tony has ridden there on his new bicycle, with trailer. Tony is an avid rider and has a Derbi scooter for commuting to work, and a Suzuki Bandit for longer distances.

A lot of us are fairly active on our local scooter forum ( but have never actually met. Today we had a chance to meet some new faces. As is the case with most encounters we are all looking and asking questions about each other's rides.

(Rob, with his new to him, touring Goldwing)
Another Rob in the back on his Yamaha cruiser. Notice the vintage Vespa in the foreground with the Collector plates

It's always nice to see new faces and different machines

Here are my two buddies, Gary and Gerard. Gary operates the local Kymco dealership in Vancouver and we have ridden together to Kelowna with him on his Xciting X500Ri maxi-scoot. Gerard has a Honda Elite 250 which he has been riding since the ice age. I only found out that day that Gerard's birthday is July 8th, and my birthday is on July 9. He always thought that he was the oldest relic in our group, but as it turns out he is only one day more experienced than me, being born in the same year (1946).

Soon it was time to leave and while everyone else was still talking and laughing, no one noticed that Gerard was having a moment of stress attempting to start his antique machine. Now you have to understand that Gerard is very sarcastic in his use of english vocabulary and appropriate choice of words, and we all thought that he was joking. It soon became evident that indead his bike was "dead" . Unlike a motorcycle, you cannot Jump start a scooter due to the CVT and there were no jumper cables to be had. Gerard had a set in his car on the south side of town.

There was a quick exchange of words and course of action and somehow it was my duty to bring Gerard home on the back of my mighty V-strom. All of a sudden I was panic stricken but there did not seem to be any way out of this predicament.
While I had been riding since the late 60's, it was always solo. I had NO experience at all with riding Two-up and Gerard was heavier than a sack of potatoes, or bag of dog food. I told Gerard I would go home to get my car and he said he trusted me, he would be a good passenger and not twitch around.
When I was ready he started to climb on the back and somehow the bike skewed to the right and I nearly dumped it. some how I managed to keep vertical and started the engine and was then frozen. We had to make an immediate sharp right turn out of the parking stall and soon we were traveling down Main Street. Once we got up to speed I zigged and zagged for a bit and was getting used to the additional weight.
After a while when things started to get comfortable Gerard put his arms around my waist and started to make girl friend sounds and told me that he had never been on the back of any bike before and was glad that it was me, to be his first time.
and that night, I lost my Solo Virginity . . .
Friday, July 9th, my birthday:
It was a regular work day but Robert, the Reverend had scheduled a charity BBQ at the local Vespa Dealer from 4pm to 7pm. It is a struggle for me to leave work from Coquitlam and make it to the downtown core but i managed to get there just after 6pm, which was plenty of time to grab a smokie and beverage

Again we have quite the mixture of motorcycles and scooters in the rear parking lot. Urban Wasp is one of our gathering/meeting places so we are no stranger to their friendly staff. Having a washroom available in the area is a bonus.

Tony came again on his Suzuki Bandit but he must have been in a rush when he left home for he forgot to change out of his pajamas

I didn't need to grab the extra calories since we had planned to go downtown for my birthday dinner later but those smokies were delicious, as was the root beer
Over the years we have become more domesticated and have gotten in the habit of eating more of our meals at home. There was a time when you would find us on Robson Street nearly every Friday & Saturday nights. Now we find the music too loud, too many smokers puffing smoke into our face, the lighting turned too low . . . But it was my birthday and we eventually found ourselves here.

I am also getting Jack rIEPE eyes and like a magnet we asked for a table for two.
I like to think that we can still get value for our hard earned money, but we didn't. While all the eye candy is pleasing with all the servers in slinky black outfits with high heels, and the food was prepared to a high level, portions were petite and prices higher than the norm. At least this is only my opinion and not a slight at the establishment. What you see in the photo is two appetizers and a BBQ rib sandwich, one water and one coke .

(Cdn $50. including HST @12% plus tip)
We had to go home and top up with ice cream.
I may or may not post an article on the Bikini bike wash & BBQ last Saturday. I went with the intention of getting my V-strom washed, but didn't. The hamburger tasted good but I got distracted . . .

(bottom view)

(upper view)
Did you really mean that you can't jump start a scooter, or that you can't catch it in gear to start it? I don't see why a CVT would disallow a battery boost from another battery.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post for all the wrong reasons :-). You certainly have an eye for glamour photography and the collection of high heels was superb. Thank you from the other side of the world!
Regarding two-up riding, my blackbird was pretty tall and the pillion pegs were very high up. Pillion mounting and dismounting was always stressful and I had a few close calls.
PS. I thought your food portions were very sensible and healthy. About half what I was served up in Tennessee when I was working there for a spell in the mid 90's!
I love your posts....
ReplyDeleteHumour. Good stories. Good photos. Women in bikinis. Food. What more could a mean want?
Not sure about Gerard cuddling up to you and making girlfriend sounds though....
Bob, if you need any encouragement - WRITE THE POST ABOUT THE BIKINI BIKE WASH PLEASE!
Gerard is just the guy, I so can imagine him doing 'the girl' on the back of your bike. Gives me the giggles, too (ok I AM entitled to girl sounds...). Kudos to you that you managed to get the two of you safely back home. I cannot imagine having somebody fidgeting around behind me... Happy birthday, and we will celebrate together once mine comes up in a few days.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir:
ReplyDeleteYour closing photo is the kind of shot that does proper justice to any motorcycle column or blog. It is the sort of thing I expect to see from the likes of Conchscooter in Key West, and so seldom do. Therefore, you are temporarilly forgiven for assaulting the senses with those pink crocs. Also, the close-up of the blond in the black slinky dress has earned you points as well.
I wouldn't dream of riding anyone pillion on my bike, even if they could fit in there behind me. Bob, you've got some set of stones. Then again if I had been there you would have the the jumper cables too, as they are always in my side cases.
Several Mac Pac riders left for the west coast today, with the intent of hitting the rally by the end of the week. I envy them this ride. And I look for your impression of your first BMW rally.
Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
Twisted Roads
ReplyDeletethe cactus club and bikini wash looks/sounds fun. the 2nd, no make that 3rd thing (lol) i'll do at sturgis is get my bob a bikini wash as im sure he'll need it ;)
im jealous, have a great time at the bmw rally!!
Happy Birthday Bob!
ReplyDeleteI'll send Mrs Nikos over to you for pillion correction training - she does a very relaxing shoulder massage at 80mph....
(There is also the "auto steer" feature by which when a bend appears the bike magically banks - not quite sure how she manages it but I suspect it's some sort of buttock shuffle action)
Oh Boy! A somewhat arousing post from someone in their 60's that otherwise would seem to come from someone that I always assumed was sort of reserved and mild mannered.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I really knew better.
I, Too have never ridden with another rider and can assume that there is a lot of difference to handling techniques, etc. But I really have to question your choice of rider from which to lose your virginity.
But I still like the combination of weenies and crocs in your pictures.
Well done my friend, and hope your birthday was well worth it.
Have a great time in Oregon!
Male passengers differ from female passengers in how they carry their weight. Men are top heavy and women are...well let's just say they carry their weight lower, so the weight distribution on the back of the bike is a big difference and affects handling.
ReplyDeleteHappy Bday Bob.
ReplyDeleteThose "technically" are not pyjamas, but many beg to differ on that, including some other Urban Riders...
Missed you guys at Bayside. Somehow the UR's tend to show up all at the same place without notice.
A belated Happy Birthday Bob!!!
ReplyDeleteNice teaser at the end...You're gonna have to post that article now or all the guys 'round these blogosphere parts will have fits if you don't. (Actually I think they'll be ok if you just post more pics) :)
I am a failed pornographer. Oh well. I can live with it. How was the reach around really, Mr Hardcore?
ReplyDeletesorry for not entering individual replies but I have run out of time. between chores and getting my bike ready for our trip to Oregon "D" day has arrived. All systems checked and double checked, packed, repacked and final system check later tonight. Departure time 5:30 am tomorrow morning, or earlier.
Joe: Yes you can boost the battery but not "jump" start a scooter. Same with any vehicle with auto transmission
Geoff: I would have never known you lived in Tennessee. You still have your UK accent
Gary: I don't know how you crammed 4 months of stuff into your saddle bags. I'm only gone a fraction of your time and I'm struggling
SonjaM: as you know, Gerard is a jokester, and he did fidget a bit on a straight stretch
Jack: I wished you had stuck to your original plan of coming to Redmond too. Couldn't you have sat pillion with another rider
Ms M: I was going to get my V-strom washed, but somehow didn't. I did get a lot of action video with soap suds, and unusual cleaning action. Water was flying everywhere. I could title the video "GGW: bike wash" (GGW= Girls Gone Wild)
Nikos: I noticed a photo of Mrs Nikos you posted recently. Please send her over. I may send her back, someday
Jimbo: You have to be very careful of the quiet ones. Thank you for your birthday wishes. Too bad you couldn't have come west to visit your relatives in Vancouver, WA. We could have diverted for a visit
Troubadour: The wee is top heavy already without more added weight. I think the problem is more mounting and dismounting rather than the ride
Tony: I did a poll and everyone except yourself thinks that they are PJ's . They are chuckling behind your back
Kari/BlueKat: Can't wait to see you Saturday with your matching Ninja Green Crocs with matching Ninja
Mr Conchscooter: actually, it felt okay, until he tried to reach for my cheek, and not the one under the helmet
Happy birthday Bob! 2-up is definitely different. You should try it on sand with sport tires.. now THAT is exciting!