Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blog Challenge: 5 awesome blog posts

Post a list of 5 Pretty Awesome Posts Your Readers Might’ve Missed

Rachael of Fuzzy Galore has issued another blog challenge to . . .

" Head back to your own blogs and find 5 blog posts that you really loved writing and tell your readers about them. Maybe we missed them the first time around, maybe we’re new readers, maybe you just loved the post so much that you just want to hi-five it again. Whatever!

Blow the dust off of some of those oldies but goodies and re-share ‘em with us."

I wasn't sure I could do this as it would have meant many hours of reading my old posts to narrow down my choices to only 5. The way I title my posts does not give any hints as to what my topic actually is and after time, I forget too. I know Fuzzy put me on the list based upon my proud Youtube video. It's not long but I was getting nabbed by the Youtube police for content infringement so I had to resort to my own music. This was not rehearsed and it was "take One", and produced without practising. Still images were taken with a Canon T2i, mixed with GoProHD video and the audio track was blended using an app on the iPhone and added in editing. Here is the link to the video (<--- click)

I felt a bit guilty so I decided to pick a few from the archives before I was widely read, as you will notice from the lack of comments. I used to spend a lot of time producing these blog entries and I did get discouraged, at first. I actually tried to start a blog a year earlier, but I couldn't figure out Blogger and gave up.

My blog is more or less a diary of my life and the original intent was to highlight the beauty of the Pacific Northwest which I define as BC, WA, OR. Photography has always been my hobby. I have lots of film-based professional equipment which is archaic by today's standards and I was probably the last person to finally embrace digital. Over time I have travelled many of the backroads of BC

I hope you get a kick out of my early writings

1) My first multi-day motorcycle ride to Oregon, to attend the Maxi-Scoot Rally
I rode solo to Steveson, WA and met others from the forum

2) I chose this one because I just love the terrain on hwy 395 near the California border. We also travelled on the Oregon Outback Scenic Byway . It was always my intent to come back the next time with my bike

3) This is my ride report posted on This is known as the Port Renfrew Loop and we rode this the first year after it was paved. I purchased my V-strom brand new early August and this was my first road trip on my new bike just after its first service

4) I used to ride a Suzuki SV650nK3. I traded it in for my current V-strom but in retrospect I should have kept it as a spare. I just finished installing new tires, brakes, clutch, coolant and it was nearly mint. I rode it to Kelowna to attend the Scooter Rally and rode solo both ways. This was my last ride using my SV650n

5) I never really had a riding buddy, but I did have a buddy for a while when she finally moved to Vancouver and bought her "new to her" Beemer. I am sure you will recognize her . This was her first Shake-Down Ride .

Most of you are probably familiar with my current offerings, so I deliberatly chose entries from; 2008, 2009 & 2010. Sorry, no barefeet back then, I have become less inhibited these days . . .


  1. Great idea. Choosing 5 little read will be a challenge.

    1. IM:

      sifting through your past writings is difficult, and to choose only 5 but most will not delve into the past, but sometimes that's where the best stuff is to be found

  2. Nice selection of posts. I remember reading most of them except the trip report on the stormtrooper site and the one on Hwy-395. That area looks vaguely familiar for some reason. I definitely prefer the blog format to the forum for ride reports.

    1. Richard:

      I think you rode down Hwy 395 on your way to Santa Cruz. I have ride reports on a couple of forums but then I decided to post them here instead. The forums are better if you do not have a reading audience. It's a bit different now that we have our own Bloggers' group and support network.

  3. Good stuff Bob.

    I don't think I'd read any of those before so it was nice to take a break at work and read them all.

    1. Trobairitz:

      glad you liked them. Most of my riding has been Urban and close to home (limited to day trips), plus many years of group riding and riding sweep. I started solo weekend trips around 2007 when I rode my scooter to Kelowna, actually 3 years in a row. It wasn't until iMBC2010 until I started multi-day trips, and I LOVE IT, so now I have the touring bug

  4. Fun posts Bob - nice to see what you did before I knew you too!

    1. Karen:

      Great memories as I read it again. This blog is sort of a diary where I can go back and see where I have been. You are welcomed to go back and read my archives, any time. Reminding me to go back and see where you have been too

  5. Thanks for re-posting those, Bob. I must have missed some of them. My favourite would be the last SV ride. Too bad you sold the bike prematurely. It is a a beauty. I even might have bought it from you back then...

    1. Sonja:

      It was a great bike. I loved it and it was fuel injected. I keep scanning the ads for another one but it is hard to find the standard upright, naked model. Most are the "S" sport models with the low handlebars.
