I'm not good with names but they are all men "of the cloth" so I just sat there and listened to clergy jokes and kept my mouth shut while I slurped down my sausage and eggs with pancakes.

Robert told me he couldn't spare the whole day but we could ride somewhere together. So with him in the lead on his Vespa PX150 Collector's Edition we headed further east towards Abbotsford where it was my plan to visit Bob who co-ordinates activities with the SOC (Suzuki Owners' Club)
We arrive un-announced but he hears our mighty engines and greets us outside before we get our helmets off

That's Bob's Suzuki C50 Cruiser under the bike cover. Believe me when I say it is spotless. We remove our layers of riding gear and boots and make ourselves at home and use his facilities. Soon Linda (ie: Mrs Bob) gets the kettle ready and before you can say "Jimmy Cricket" the table is filled with cookies and coffee.
While we were chatting, telling stories & drinking coffee John arrives on his V-strom

So while the guys chatted around the dining room table, Linda went out of her way to keep the coffee topped up. She is a gracious host.

(Robert, John & Bob)
(Vespa PX150, V-strom, V-strom)
Soon it was time to go as it is a 2 hour ride back home to Vancouver and it was getting chilly. As we were exiting Bob's driveway I notice something that may be of interest to you. Bob lives along Zero Avenue. Zero Avenue is a road which runs East to West and straddles the Canadian/US Border

(Left roadway=Canada; Right roadway=USA)
Along this section of the Border there are two roads parallel to each other. I am standing on the Canadian side but if I jump the low ditch I would be in the United States of America, and cross the border illegally. While it would appear that we are in the middle of nowhere this border is heavily monitored. Heat seeking cameras, sensors and other covert stuff of which we are not aware.

Those are US residents on the other side . One more photo and we decide to ride along Zero Avenue on our way home

(US farm on the other side of the street)

(US border crossing, taken from Zero Avenue)
As we continue riding West

you are riding right along the border with American farms on the left and Canadian driveways on the right . Just make sure you don`t cross the line or you will be in deep doo-doo
Every mile or so there are Cairns marking the Border line

(Canadian Border marker, we are on the Canadian Side)
Robert was in the lead and I pulled over without warning. He noticed I wasn`t behind so he turned around to look for me. I waited to include him in this photo

(one more photo for the road)
We still have over an hour to get home and we have to stop for a bladder break . Where else, Tim Horton`s . . .

only in Canada
Zero Avenue. I always wondered if there was a road that straddled the border. No heat seeking missiles to keep out the rif raf?
ReplyDeleteIt looked like a nice ride with friends. (but no food or Croc pics)
Great that you are still riding! I finally wired Elvira for heat and GPS yesterday. I have this whole week off.
ReplyDeleteThat Zero Ave. thing is pretty cool in a way. No actual difference between one side of the road or the other except for knowing what it signifies. Reveals an interesting side of human nature. Thanks for sharing.
They fill us with guff about heating seeking infra red nonsense on Fat Albert monitoring the straits of Florida. I can tell you if you ever decide to give up free health care and come to the land of the foolhardy sail over from the Bahamas, tie up at a dock, don't say eh? or ask about the nearest Tim Horton's and you will be in the land of Tea Parties and tax givebacks to the wealthy and no one will be any the wiser.
ReplyDeleteI guess the theory is that dish washers and tomato pickers don't go sailing ergo why monitor coastal waters? Nativists would go nuts if they realised how totally porous the parts of the United States not facing Mexico really are.
Now: your challenge, if you are man enough to accept it, is to cross avenue zero in spring and snatch an illegal US flower and drag it back unmolested to the land of the Eternal Property Bubble! See you in jail!
Bobskoot, kind of cool that Zero Avenue....though I wonder really how zealously its watched.
ReplyDeleteI must comment on Irondad's stating he's finally broken down and wired up for heated gear. Welcome to the heated side there Dan!
We here in the Denver area are hoping for snow...well, I am anyways....
Colorado Motorcycle Travel Examiner
Redleg's Rides
Zero Ave is totally on the Canadian side. The Dept. of Fatherland Security has numerous cameras on poles, so if you tried to just stroll across the border (a ditch in some places) you'd be spotted in short order. The Border Patrol even randomly searches vehicles going from the U.S. to Canada. In fact, they busted someone trying to smuggle a whole bunch of cocaine into Canada the other day.
ReplyDeleteIf I can become fluent in French, I might be able to emigrate...
Scootin' Old Skool
Now, you wouldn’t hear this line anywhere else but from Bobscoot. “....I just sat there and listened to clergy jokes and kept my mouth shut while I slurped down my sausage and eggs with pancakes.” LOL. I have a questions regarding Zero Avenue. If you are riding along the Canadian side, have an accident and skid across the ditch to the American side, would you be prosecuted for crossing the border illegally?
ReplyDeleteNot too many years ago, the Mexican Border wasn't all that different. A 4 foot high barbed wire fence kept cattle from illegally crossing, but not much else.
Do it,Do it, Do it Bob, go and pick one of those poor American foreclosed flowers and give it a better more secure life in Canada lol
Interesting trivia. Thanks for sharing this. If I ever decided to give up free health care and all the other socialist goodies we have in Canada, I will cross the border where you showed me. Happy New Year, Bob!
ReplyDeleteInteresting story about Zero Avenue. Down here in the capitalist South I wouldn't have thought you could get into the country that easy (if you're fast enough to evade after crossing) ...
ReplyDeleteNot long and they'll put up full body scanners along that road ...
Nice post starting with breakfast with clergy and ending with interesting border crossing areas. It's interesting to learn about Zero Avenue. I wonder how many, if any, attempted crossings they have.
ReplyDeleteSounds kinda like my cousin's place in Kansas. They have to cross into Nebraska to get to their house in Kansas. Not an international border so no heat seeking cameras hiding in the ditch.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure you didn't pop over the line, just once...just a little bit? Ron and I went for a short ride with our son on Christmas eve, but that's about it. Looks like you had a nice ride despite the cold and always good to spend it with friends on the road.
And a Happy New Year to you, too, Bob!
ReplyDeleteConch poses and interesting challenge. I wonder ... will you bite?
Hi to Yvonne!
A great day it was ... "life is grand Kwhen you're riding aa Vespa" with a good friend!
ReplyDeleteJennifer came home to a smiling husband (usually I'm grouchy on my days off when she gets home).
30 miles each way for me and about another 15 miles or so for you.
P.S. The other guys around the table were NOT "men of the cloth." Just Robert, the Reverend. The rest are just guys who attend the same church regularly and occasionally with time on Tuesday's to meet for coffee and chew the fat.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year
RichardM: It's kind of neat to have a road which follows the border, and there are no fences to keep you out but it would be foolish to try and cross
ReplyDeleteIrondad: i more or less, ride all year, except for ice, fog and snow but not as hardcore as you
Mr Conchscooter: what would really be neat would be for you to be on the other side and we could have a picnic with the table straddling the ditch in the middle.
Charlie6: this is a very active area for attempted drug crossings, it is very actively patrolled using sensors and cameras. Crossing here would give you free room and board with limited visiting privileges
Orin: right you are. I would tempt fate by trying to cross except at an authorized border crossing
ReplyDeleteGary: interesting thought but you are really crossing illegally if not at a border crossing, even if I pushed you. I wish I were where you are right now. I am tired of the cold and we still have 3 months to go before Spring
Howard: I know on your recent ride you mentioned being close to the Mexican border, but you didn't post any photos. I was curious what it looked like
Dave: No, not worth the risk of being caught. You can't tease the border people
SonjaM: It would take every ounce of my energy to keep you on the right side.
Guido: This section of the border is easily accessible and while it looks tempting, it is not easy to be undetected
ReplyDeleteMike: I hear many stories of crossing attempts. There was something broadcast about the security here a few years ago but I would try it. You have too much to lose
Kari/BlueKat: glad you managed to squeeze a ride in. You have to be more careful with tire grip as cold weather is not good for the rubber. It's nice to have company and someone to share the day with
Chuck: I am in dire need of training in "selective sharpening using PS" and also the use of USM. 5 minutes with you will save weeks of frustration. I can't print anything until I figure this out .
I also hope you had a very Happy New Year.
Robert: It was a great day. Thanks for keeping me company . It's nice to get out to the country once in a while to get away from the city traffic
How did I miss this post?? Looked like a great day! Zero Avenue is intriguing. Wanna really mess with the hidden cameras...just zigzag across the center line repeatedly! :) They'll take your license down and give you hell next time you cross the border. LOL