Imagine my luck to find a $170. unit on sale for $40. complete with case and a few bits. It is 1/2" drive and can torque up to 220 ft lbs. That's my manual collapsible T-bar spanner on the right.
Just in time too as we are starting to get frost in the mornings and I have to scrape my windows before I leave for work
I usually change over my tires on the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend but I was talked out of it, and it was such a nice day that we decided to drive our "Vette and go for a ride. That was two weeks ago.
So it waas last Saturday that my project for the day was to change my tires but first I had to dig them out of our basement and pump up the tires. It is so much more convenient to have your own compressor and not have to ride over to the gas station. Did you know that air is not FREE anymore. Most stations up here now charge for AIR
I also wanted to upgrade my hydraulic jack and get a lightweight aluminum one but I am waiting for them to come down in price. I have been waiting for several years now and still they are above my threshold. What a breeze it is to use my new electric impact wrench. The nuts come out with hardly any effort at all. It was such a chore to manually remove them manually with my T-bar
The rear wheels come off easily but the front wheels are sort of baked on, I suppose because of the heat generated by the disc brakes. Last year I used a rubber mallet on the inside of the tire and broke the bead which caused the tire to leak air. I had to go to my tire dealer and have him remove the tire and remount it again to get the bead to seal. What a pain, so this year I decided to just hold the sides and shake it loose from the hub
After I tightened the studs with my new electric impact wrench I decided to make sure they were on tight enough, so I used my T-bar to loosen and retighten as I tighten them by "feel" and years of experience
Now I had to put stickers on to mark where they were mounted. Not that this matters at all because these tires are "directional" and the direction of rotation is marked on the tire so it is easy to determine which side they belong to. These are summer only performance tires and not really that suitable for winter use, esp when the temperatures go below 7°c
During the past couple of weeks I have been gaining about a pound a week and when David was here all we did was eat.
I usually just eat lunch at my desk and surf the net. Today I had Yogurt for dessert
It's nearly Hallowe'en and our new Grand daughter is nearly 2 months old
and she already modeling her costume