we found ourselves walking down the "strip", Front Street where all the stores and restaurants are located. Lahaina is compact with a small town feel. The major industry seems to be catered to tourism and you hear the greeting sounds of "Aloha" everywhere, and when you leave the store with or without purchasing something they bid you a sincere "Mahalo" . All the salespeople are so polite

There are Official and "unofficial" tourist booths everywhere which offer discount prices to the major attractions if you register for a "2 or 3 hour seminar". So if you have half a day to waste you could enjoy a full Luau with entertainment for $19.95, instead of having to pay the regular price of $99.95 . I think if you enlarge the following photo to 100% you can see some of the day specials

We didn't have much time to spare as we don't normally take long vacations. It was now close to dinner time and we hadn't eaten anything since the Tim Horton's at the airport in Vancouver early in the morning. We wanted to eat somewhere with a water view and were walking up and down the street looking at the menus.

We eventually settled on this place which advertised they won the award for the best burgers on Maui. Being a non drinker I order my usual soda, Coke (or facsimilie) and Mrs Skoot had some tropical concoction with exotic fruit juices with minimal alcohol. (I did take a small slurp)
From our vantage point at our table, at the water's edge it was with great effort that I grabbed my camera and aimed it at the feeble sunset being displayed before our eyes.

While we were waiting for our meals and chatting about this and that we tried to be artistic and were playing with our cameras, and starting to unwind a bit in this warm, tropical paradise. I notice that the other customers were probably tourists like ourselves and on the table next to us were a young couple from Alberta.

Our meals finally arrived. A couple of simple meals; a burger for me and Ahi Tuna salad for Mrs Skoot and a couple of beverages. That's all you get for $53. after tips and exchange

(Our $53. dinner in Lahaina, Maui)
It was so warm, unlike the freezing temperatures back home only a few hours away. It was T-shirt & Shorts weather, even as we walked around and browsed the stores
Other restaurants more geared towards the younger set with loud modern music had lines of people waiting to get in

There seemed to always be a constant stream of cars going up and down the "strip" . We've returned home nearly 2 weeks ago and it is like a dream, a distant memory which didn't happen, except through photos and video