We are not in the habit of celebrating in a restaurant as we are more relaxed having a meal at home but it is hard to fathom that we are now the elders of the family. In the past we used to take Mrs Skoot's mom (my MIL) as she enjoyed to eat out. We arrived early to stake claim to our table. I have one Aunt who is now alone since my Uncle passed on just before Christmas so we decided to bring her along. As with most Asian restaurants in Vancouver, if you bring your cake, they will serve it to you at the end of your meal. They also cut the cake and served it on clean plates.

It is tradition that we make our own Birthday Cakes, and this was made by our daughter. This was not a lavish affair, just our immediate family, our two grand-children & my Aunt

Lately I have been thinking more about aging and getting old(er). It's the cycle of life and I am on the wrong side of the declining curve, like a gas gauge where the needle is hovering around quarter tank. As I look out at the ocean and watch the never-ending waves that go to infinity I think they are rolling to shore just like they have for centuries. Time marches on and stops for no one, whether I am here to see it or not.

I don't know where the years have gone. Once we were young and now we are struggling to relive our memories, to do the things we have always wanted to do and try to make our dreams come true, while we are still in good health to enjoy what time we have left.
At work we subscribe to the local newspaper. Someone always leaves it open on the obituary pages, so when I pass by I can't help but look at the names, their pictures and their dates of birth. Recently I have been noticing that the dates are becoming uncomfortably closer to mine. On the radio they recently mentioned the average life expectancy for civilized countries such as Canada and I can count the final years left on less than 10 fingers & 10 toes.
The Markets have not been our friends since the big crash of 2008. My meagre portfolio crashed with those of the rest of the world and things were coming back to book value during 2011, until the problems in Greece sent the world to another meltdown. So while Retirement is supposed to be a happy time, and a reward for those who have worked all their lives, it is uncertain as to how to proceed.

At least obsolete equipment can be refurbished with new parts and continue to provide enjoyment for years to come, or put "out to pasture", like these boats waiting for their next journey to an exciting destination, or left to float, wondering when their master will let them roam free again

Sorry to bore you all with my musings, which were triggered by an early morning photo opp on the way to work a week ago which brought me to this idyllic place near the Fraser River, where the peaceful residents were enjoying a delightful sunrise on a crisp winters day

There . . . I feel better now. I feel like devouring a pair of delicious cupcakes

I am only 43, but every now and then I think about that same stuff. It makes me dtermined to live my life to the fullest I can.
ReplyDeleteI have been having some issues lately it just makes me more determined.
DeleteI used to think about these this a bit, now and then, but now it is more on my mind. Ever since I started to receive my Government Pension. I am still working, but who knows for how long. I hope your issues aren't health related
Ahhh Life! Nobody gets out alive and that is a fact. As long as you and Mrs. Scoot have your health live it, enjoy it, and wrap yourself in it. You seem to be doing a great job of that already from the posts and pictures and that is perfect.
ReplyDeleteAfter a lifetime of hard work I am almost ready to pull the pin on the workforce and enjoy the fruits of what my Pappy instilled in me. I hope to enjoy many years of not going to work and plan of having a great time and not worry about the endgame. I'm going to make it chase me and by not sitting around that isn't going to be easy.
Deletewell, you know how it is with more aches and pains, then you sweep our driveway like I did the other day, and my back still hurts. I am like you, wondering when to "pull the pin" . I want to have a few enjoyable years riding around and enjoy life without work.
I just worry about having enough funds to last . . .
Bobskoot....sounds like you need a 4-5 tankfull's worth of riding to clear the mind.
ReplyDeleteInstead of thinking of the years you think you have left, perhaps reflect on what you've accomplished....no man is an island and all that.
And yah, I've had such thoughts as well but there's more riding to be done!
Redleg's Rides
Colorado Motorcycle Travel Examiner
Deletethat's what I am going to do this season. I plan to be in the state next to yours if things work out. I know what you mean about living for the present but I sure wished that we could replentish life's fuel gauge. So much more to do while we are still able
Good post. Now tell me what you think of the little mirrorless cameras like the Sony Alpha NEX, etc.
Deletegood to hear from another dedicated photographer in the Cape Code of WI. I really love my Sony NEX-5n
I have my comprehensive reply here:
I did consider the M4/3s but I didn't like the 2x crop factor as I like wide angle.
hope your snow melts soon
Ahhh Bob. With your recent shirtless pictures, we've all seen your cupcakes.
ReplyDeleteA good thought provoking post. I think we all dwell on our mortality at some point. No sense letting it get you down though as we're all going at some point. We just don't know how long we have so we need to live every day to the fullest we can.
Deletethank you, I suppose I am more comfortable with myself. In the past I would never have posted anything like that, I was too modest so that video was a first.
and I like your cupcakes too
When I was much younger I used to think about how things would be later in life. I still don't think of myself as Old, but I guess it creeps up on you and I am there. We are trying to squeeze in all we can while we are still mobile.
sometimes I just think about "things" too much
Bob, it is not a matter of age that musings about our own mortality enter our minds. It can happen anytime with anyone especially when sickness or death hit close to home. Like Dom said, you need to get some more riding in to free your mind.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Yvonne!
Deleteas usual, you are spot on. we should be thankful that we have survived longer than many. that's why we have to make every minute count
Oh and thanks for capturing my funky walk in that video from Seattle. I do that walk often but never has it been memorialized 'on film' so to speak.
ReplyDeleteAnd happy belated birthday to Mrs. Skoot. I bet she finally turned 29 didn't she?
DeleteI'll have to look at that video again. I thought you were walking normally. I'll be watching out for it again this coming July
DeleteNow I remember. You mean around 1:04 to 1:07 you are doing that graceful walk. I played it back a few times
As others have said, I think everyone occasionally thinks about their own mortality usually whenever a friend or family member passes on or you have or know someone with a serious illness. This was a very thought provoking post. I think you need to get out of the city. The fast pace and the traffic messes with your mind...
Deletethat's the problem, it takes eternity to get out of the city. There is no Open Road anywhere near me. The open road is also safer, fewer hazards and no driveways or intersections. I'll bet you are looking forward to your LONG ride in July
happy birthday and hugs mrs skoot!
ReplyDeletebob, im with you... now get out for a ride and pick up some cupcakes (from sprinkles of course, lol). hugs!
Ms M:
DeleteI learned something today. Size doesn't matter. A bird with a small beak can eat just as much as a bird with a larger beak. Now I'm not inferring anything but perhaps I could pop over and sample a couple of yours . . . you do have a couple of CupCakes, don't you ?
mq01 - are you implying that Bobskoot will feel younger if he grabs a couple of cupcakes? You just may be onto something there. ;-)
Deletesounds good to me, I would love to grab a couple of younger CupCakes, err . . . did I get this wrong ?
don't blame me, my eyes do the reading and my mind interprets, they are a team
sprinkles man, damn, geez, i mean from SPRINKLES! ;-) LOLOLOL! ;)
ReplyDeleteMs M:
Deletethey gotta be edible SPRINKLEs, I'm salivating already
Very thoughtful post. I think we all consider these things more and more as time goes by. Enjoy each season, and appreciate it for what it is.
ReplyDeleteand wishing Mrs. Skoot a very happy Birthday!
DeleteAs much as I try to look forward to every season, sometimes I can't help but think how many more seasons I have left. That's why I keep looking at Maps and try to plan the next adventure, hopefully we will be able to do something together again this year.
What a poetic way to look at the reality that is life! It is funny how we never feel old, though some of us experience things that make us feel mortal ... and time passes ever more quickly as we age if we are lucky enough to age. I guess that's why they say that now is a present and I have less and less patience with those things that waste my time and yet by being upset with those things waste my own time. (Okay Bob, you've made me go all sappy - bare your midrif or paint your toes please, make me laugh again!!!)
ReplyDeleteVS Lady:
Deletetime sneeks up on you, next thing you know you arrive at retirement age, but still working because of the world meltdown. I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky that nothing serious has happened. I like it when you go "all sappy". I posted another photo for you on the next post, sort of viewer's request. It's a different photo, it shows the rear of the camera, the other one showed the front
Life is short- be happy
ReplyDeletealso: ride it like you stole it!
No name:
DeleteWe are trying to live life the best we can, but somes in the lull of things our brain goes into Senior Mode. I was looking at our grandchildren the other day, I looked around and I was the oldest. Made me thing again
thanks for your visit, hope you get your music sorted out, or you could just use your own vocals
I'm with you on thoughts of mortality, especially with what has just been going on. I took a look around at my dads and wondered just how many years are left in store for me. More than I should hope for, but fewer than I would really like. Now I just need to figure out how to maximize them. Good luck clearing your head and maximizing your fingers and toes.
ReplyDeleteSteel Cupcake:
DeleteCondolences to you for your Grandmother. It's just too bad that you didn't get a chance to see her "in time". I am sure you had flashbacks of good memories during your visit to CA. You just never know what life brings, that's why you have to make time for yourself, while you are able and try not to have too many regrets. Turn your dreams into action.