Saturday, May 26, 2012

Visitors to the Wet Coast

I am always happy to meet other bloggers and this week was an exceptional week. Thursday I finally had a chance to meet Chris who is riding his Suzuki SV650 on a 7 week trip from Minnesota to San Diego by way of Alaska. Yes, I have photos but I am not sure how much more I could add to Chris's excellent recap of our short time together but I could add an addendum shortly after I catch my breath.

Then on Thursday, another visitor flew into town and I have been busy for nearly two days showing him the highlights of our City. Well, as much as can be squeezed into the limited time available. I was very fortunate to have been able to obtain 2 wheeled transportation for this person, but more about this later.

Saturday started for me at 7am, the roads were empty as we zigged and zagged about the streets of the city stopping for too many photos. It didn't take long for us to mesh like we had been friends for years. I think you would agree that he is taller than he seems


We had a welcoming party to keep him company. We had breakfast and lunch, we went here and we went there all over the countryside from Coquitlam on the East, to Horseshoe Bay on the West. It was a memorable day for all of us. It was like a mini-blogger reunion, and we decided to snap a group photo at Buntzen Lake


As far as I am aware, this is the first time that this combination of bloggers have managed to be in the same place, at the same time. I am sure you recognize them


  1. The last pic is hilarious, as expected. Thanks, Bob. Great job!

    1. Sonja:

      thank you. I like to do silly things and you are all good sports

  2. Since you prefer to ride sweep, that must be how you see all the other riders. If you saw their faces you may not recognize them, eh?


    1. Richard:

      The rears of some riders are more recognizable than others. some I don't mind looking at, some I don't . . .

  3. Nicely done Bob.

    Is is wrong how many of you I recognize from the back view?

    1. Trobairitz:

      You are welcome to ride in front of me, anytime

  4. I'm not sure that's Bobskoot on the right, no pink crocs again.....


    Redleg's Rides

    Colorado Motorcycle Travel Examiner

    1. Dom:

      Look at the hair. I am glad to say that I am not the only one whom is follicle challenged.

  5. Nice shot Bob, I posted the other one, the one that doesn't look like I'm groping your backside. I knew I'd quickly fall victim to your wicked sense of humor and consummate photography skills.

    1. David:

      being groped would be fine with the right hands, maybe not so much yours . . . but that doesn't mean that I don't love you

  6. Bashful bloggers, who woulda thought it!

    1. Canajun:

      Yes bashful sometimes, but not when there is food involved

  7. Vancouver is clearly BIKER Central Bob! Will have to see what we can do in 2014!

    1. Geoff:

      You could do one of your "secret" vacations. Hurry up before we are too old to remember who you are.

  8. A bumper crop year for bloggers in Vancouver. And, Brandy, I'm glad you asked the question. I, too, was wondering about the wrongness in my recognition factor.

    Thanks for the share, bob.

    1. Keith:

      you know that shapely forms are better viewed from the rear & the front, while shapeless forms, from the front (only)
