Sunday, May 20, 2012

When you were young

can you remember how sad you were when your parents didn't buy you that toy you wanted. And then how happy you were when you finally got your way. Or having to wait months for Christmas to see if your dreams were fulfilled. How about that trip you paid for and the anticipation of waiting for your departure date and then you find out that your trip "was cancelled". Well, those were the anticipations of disappointment and the fulfilment of the past couple of days


The day had finally arrived and the happiness that was soon to be was nearly taken away. Like a candle blowing in the wind, the flame was barely hanging on


and then, like a new day the sun was brightly shining, the birds were chirping and all was well with the world. Sadness quickly turned to joy, but time was slipping fast, so fast as I tried to slow the clock but it was not to be. No matter how hard I tried, what I wished or hoped, time was running out and all I could think of was for this day to never end . . .


. . . to be continued


  1. Oooh, way to keep building anticipation. Do we have to wait until Christmas?

    1. Trobairitz:

      you are too kind BUT, I know you know everything. I was going for the build up and then Dar, spilt the beans

  2. I thought about you when they announced the ferry cancellations. Hence we decided not to go to the island this weekend. I hope everything was working out for you guys at the end. Please don't keep us hanging out to dry too long.

    1. Sonja:

      I was thinking that you should have come over. lots of Vespas from as far as Tacoma/Seattle. many are on Modern Vespa, Vespa Club of Seattle, Scooters of Bellingham, and a few from Alberta. It was your chance to put faces to internet names.

      Ferries were as usual for bikes/scooters: first on first off, no delays unless you were in a car.

  3. It's a three day weekend up there, you must hang on and squeeze every ounce (milliliter) out of it.

    1. Troubadour:

      I had two nights of 6 hours sleep. I am back home and a bit tired. Monday will be a restful day to do nothing. Can't cut wet grass, thank goodness

  4. It was an awesome day! It was great to see Bob and spend the day! His scooter gang are a very cool bunch of peeps.

    1. Dar:

      I am sure you went to the forum.

      "WE ALL LOVE YOU" (Motorcycle man is some very lucky dude to have found you)

      it was the BESTEST DAY and I was hoping that it would never end too

  5. Ahhh, you're a tease Bob!

    Hope they don't cancel when we visit Vancouver Island!

    Incidentally, I don't have to think back to childhood to be sad about not getting the toys I wanted. The CEO regularly says "no" :-)


    Geoff, the deprived biker

    1. Geoff:

      Gee, thanks Geoff . . . but you already have the Striple, what other toys do you need ? One day your CEO is going to surprise you . . .

  6. Yeah, that never wanting this to end describes my weekend pretty well. It looks like you had a fabulous time, so I'm glad it came to be. :-)
