I've always been a social person. Not a social climber but one who likes to meet other people with common interests and talk the night away on whatever topic comes up (politics & religion excluded) . Most of my riding is usually done in group situations with group meals and I prefer to ride Shotgun (or sweep). My function is to protect the group from anxious cagers behind and keep the group together so we may all arrive safely at our chosen destination.

Today was different. After breakfast I mounted my Suzuki Sv650 and headed to south Surrey. It takes around 45 minutes to escape the urban mess of Vancouver and I finally arrive on a little travelled road in a farming community

This is unlike most of my weekends when I am busy arranging to meet others. I just wanted to be by myself for a change. I could stop when I wanted and take pictures where I wanted. Often while in a group I spot that elusive once in a lifetime photo opportunity but am forced to ride by. The sun was warm and I had no one else to look out for. It is quiet in the country and I stop to see the horses grazing in their pasture.

I suppose that riding a motorcycle is sort of what it was like to ride a horse 100 years ago. You and your steed transversing the country side in search of contentment, changing scenery & looking for fortune over the next mountain.

These horses have it good. Eat, sleep, wake up the next day and do it over again. Not like humans who must work in confined spaces all week just to be able to enjoy a couple of days of relaxation, or work all year for a week or two of contentment in a far away place for a 2 week visit.

I park my bike in the middle of the road and just enjoy the solitude of being by myself and enjoying the sun. Me and my bike on a days adventure, meandering where the road takes us. Left, right, stop whatever . . . on a whim we turn, or stop. So many choices in life

I think at one time there was a railway stop here. The sign indicates Colebrook Station, but there is nothing here now except for this sign. No buildings, nothing to remind us of the historic past of this area. We are travelling on Colebrook Road.

A few vehicles of the 2 wheeled variety pass as I stop for another photo and here comes another Solo Rider going where I have just been. Just cruising along enjoying being alive and the onset of summer.

While not long, this road is a peaceful retreat from the congestion that I endure on a daily basis while commuting to work. I am thinking of a nice farm shot with the fields as a backdrop

I know my mirrors are not matched. I have the original one for the right side but the factory mirrors are useless unless you like to see your arm and elbows. Last year I purchase a set of bar end mirrors for both sides, but only installed the right one to see how I like it. They work very well and you get a good rear view, but if I install the one for the left, then the bike will be too wide to push my bike through the side gate. I am just saving wear on my auto garage door opener.
I eventually end up at White Rock, BC, which is a little seaside community where the locals come to escape big city life. There numerous restaurants here and during the summer it is very difficult to obtain a parking space. While still early in the season, there are lots of people walking on the beach, flying kites and generally just enjoying their day in the sunshine

As you come over the hill, you are greeted with a little bit of paradise, Canadian Style. Sort of like Key West, but without coconut palms or palm trees

Flat Tire Update: ----------------------------------

It still frightens me to think that this could have resulted in serious consequences. My tire was actually devoid of all air and had come separated from the rim. It was making a loud whirring sound and I was trying to reduce my speed and pull over. Near the end, the rim was actually rolling on the asphalt.
Happy 40th Anniversary to us: -----------------------
Last Friday (yesterday) we were meeting a few people for hamburgers at a local drive in. Yvonne (Mrs skoot) purchased this anniversary cake from her favourite bakery and brought it along for dessert to share.

As it is our 40th Wedding Anniversary I decided to take a week off and go on another driving adventure to places not yet decided. We will go where the winds blow and turn when we feel like turning and stop when we feel like stopping. Perhaps to the Palouse or Oregon. It's a little know secret that most folks won't tell you but . . . Oregon has the best roads. See you all in a week and will try to post a picture or two if we get a chance
Good Post!
ReplyDeleteI prefer solo riding .... no yoyo effect one sees in group rides. I stop when I want, go when I want....take pictures when I want...and I don't "harsh anybody else's mellow" by doing so....
Great post. It has been ages since Troubadour and I have been to the lower mainland. Thanks for the pictures.
ReplyDeleteIf you happen to get to Oregon and are in Corvallis the first Wednesday of any given month. Stop on down at American Dream Pizza for Corvallis Bike Night.
And kudos to you and Mrs. Skoot for 40 years.
I enjoy the solo ride myself. I can think of no better way to ride long distances. It is a great feeling of freedom to decide where you are going once you have arrived.
ReplyDeleteI also enjoy the day long club/group rides. Following a knowledgeable leader I have ridden many great roads I may never have found on my own. Several of my riding associates like to ride sweep, but they call it "whipping the tail"...
Congratulations on the 40th. GAW
Happy Anniversary Buddy and Yvonne...the rest of the story ...just don't count...!
ReplyDeleteAll the best to you both and many more happy years of joy, love and fulfiment.
Who gives a shit about where you've been riding in such a momentus time and event in your life...take care the two of you...and nuture these tender moments...
The Poet
Also congratulations on the anniversary. That is impressive. We have 31 years under our belt here.
ReplyDeleteHave fun on your solo rides. Our new scooter club here has members with very little experience in group situations, mysed included. Maybe we need someone like you to show is the ropes.
Bob (and Yvonne), congratulations on your 40th! The cake looks awesome, and I hope you both have a great time in Oregon. Let me know if you happen to end up somewhere near the Snoqualmie Valley!
ReplyDeleteSolo riding seems more enjoyable in that you do not have to worry about others and you are able to do what you want, but sometimes you need someone to share your advantures.
If you haven't been up to Vancouver recently, I don't think you would recognize it. Lots of construction and changes. Traffic gridlock and really bad, chewed up roads. Right now we are in Ritzville, WA, heading south into the Palouse then swing around, perhaps to the Oregon Coast. We are just going with the flow, no reservations. We consult the map everytime we come to a major intersection to decide the direction of travel. Thank you for stopping by
Until now, I have mainly done only group riding but for sure I intend to vary the ratio towards more solo in the future. And thank you very much for stopping by
I try not to count but the aches and pains, I fear, are starting. I know . . . age is just a number, just like your waistline is just a number, and higher is not so good
cpa3485 Jim:
Group riding is not so bad if as long as everyone understand the fundamentals, hand and leg signals and proper placement within the group for different skill levels, and the reason for changine lane positions from 1 to 3 for lane dominance. Our local forum had a catastrophic "crash" and the archives were lost but you are very welcome to login and ask specific questions and they will be answered. (Vancouverscooterin.com)
Today, while driving eastbound on North Bend road I spotted that Guitar Chicken. I did an immediate 180 and took a picture of it, and the bear and thought to myself that you had been in this very spot only days earlier. I wish I had your contact number. We had lunch in North Bend today and I had no way to let you know. We may pass by again later this week on our return home. Bobskoot@yahoo.com . I noticed that you posted your comment today at 11:55am, exactly the time we were in the Twin Peaks Cafe having a snack. We were there until just before 1pm
Good grief, 40 years? The woman is a saint I'm telling you.
ReplyDeleteMr Conchscooter:
ReplyDeleteI can hardly believe it myself. Thankfully, I am still breathing and riding