(Marina on Graybar Road, Richmond, BC)
It was a great day to take off from work and go for a ride. While the mornings are chilly (around 5c = 41F) the afternoon was going to be fairly warm at 17c (62F). It was originally my plan to go for a two day ride into the interior of British Columbia, but with the cold front coming from the north, all the towns had forecast low temps from -7c to -9c (16-25F). BRRR wish I lived somewhere warm where 85F is considered sweater weather. For those of you who are not familiar with BC temperatures, this means frozen roads with ice in the morning which burns off during the day when the temps rise to 10c (50F). This is not good when you are on two wheels.
I decided instead to stay closer to home and ride south to Crescent Beach

(Crescent Beach, BC)
There are two main beach areas. Blackie's Spit, and this area which has a few commercial business' and restaurants. Notice the beach is nearly deserted, unlike during the summer when you would have a very hard time to find parking.

Along the promenade, in both directions, you will find lucky homeowners who have their beach houses fronting along the water. In the past these homes/cabins were probably just summertime retreats, but now most are occupied year round.
Here is the view looking in the other direction (South).

There was also a kindergarten class sitting on the grass enjoying a fall day in the warm sun. Today you could have your choice of sitting on any bench or log or even on the wet grass if you so desired

Looking directly across Boundary Bay you are just able to view the peninsula in the distance which is Point Roberts, WA - part of the United States of America

Behind me you can see a portion of the main street and some beachside restaurants

The beach is also a good place for dog owners to meet other dog owners

The business area is about 3 blocks long. I managed to snag a spot here

One thing I find while riding solo is that you have to eat and talk to yourself. I was hungry but I didn't want to go into a regular restaurant by myself. I was looking for a fast food or take out place

I walked up the street and noticed a fish and chip place ahead. It did look a little deserted

It was closed. So much for my plan of having a late lunch

When I crossed the street I noticed this plaque affixed to the concrete right beside the drain

That seems like a simple solution to dump your unwanted "contaminated with oil" rain water
While it was a good day, it was also a bad day for me. I had a 'little' mishap while riding my Wee which resulted in "kissing" the ground. Sort of like testing my GIVI crash bars to make sure they work. I got a little too close to the apex of the corner and didn't notice the 2" of gravel. Lucky the cement guard rail stopped me from going over the embankment. I spent the balance of my day yesterday and today to repair all the battle scars. I think I got everything "buffed out" . Everything seemed fine. I was wearing all my armour, riding pants & riding boots. I felt just fine, no pain, no aches, nothing -- until this morning when I discovered that my left arm must have gotten "stressed". It feels like I have NO lifting power. Oh well, it should get back to normal in a few days

(Givi crash bars took most of the impact)

(Kappa 40L side case kept bike off the ground)

(Minor scuffs on my left hand guard)
All of the damage to my bar end bolt (bent), clutch lever (bent), and alignment of the left handle bar controls have all been corrected. Other than that just a few minor scuffs and scratches from the gravel

(in the meantime, happy riding)
Well, Bob, now the wee is really yours -:)
ReplyDeleteGlad you came through with no serious damage to yourself or the bike.
Your pink Crocs must have povided you some good Karma LOL!!
ReplyDeleteGlad you're okay, sounds like it could have been worse. Nice touch wearing the Crocs. Everything's back to normal!
More than glad you are okay. Hope your shoulder doesn't take too long to feel better. Even after 10 weeks, my shoulder reminds me. Occasionally of my little accident with a little tweak of soreness.
ReplyDeleteTake care!
Bob, I am sorry to hear about the mishap, but am very glad you are OK. They say "gravel is the devil" and I beleive it. Crescent Beach looks like a beautiful stop.
ReplyDeleteIt took weeks for me to get over the ache and numbness in my arm after I fell. With your socialist health care ytu will probably not feel a thing. By the way where are all the freedom loving people living in cars and on the sidewalks? Jeez, Key West this surely isn't....
ReplyDeletebob, holy moly, tire separation in the spring, and now this... im glad that you both came out of it ok.
ReplyDeletecrescent beach, what a fabulous place!!! the most scenic pics i have seen recently. just beautiful.
Dear Bobskoot:
ReplyDeleteA famous wrench I know once said, "You're not riding it if you haven't dropped it." Another guy I know (a rider whose done the "Haul Road" to the Arctic Circle), once said, "Everybody drops one now and again. I don't ever think about it any more."
The bent parts can be replaced and the plastic cases too. It sounds like you had things under control and manged to walk from this without too much grief.
On the other hand, do you think you could have been tempting fate by parking in front of a place called Tiggywinkles? Hmmmmmmm?
Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
Twisted Roads
Bob, nice post. That road along the beach looks unpaved...is that typical? If you're uncomfortable eating alone in a restaurant sometimes, take a nice colorful map in with you and hover over it. Passes the time and gives you something to do.
ReplyDeleteGlad the scuffs and scratches were minor...I couldn't help notice the footwear? Is there a story behind those?
ouch, ouch, OUCH!!.
ReplyDeleteThat must have been painful.
Hope you and your bike come out shining. Take it easy. Cold weather is upon us. I'm slowly weaning off the Bandit in favour of the scooter now. Somehow I feel a bit more secure in the scoot. Must be all my years of experience with it so far.
ReplyDeleteI think my lucky crocs saved the day. My arm is much better now.
All is nearly back to normal. Not much damage, and you can only spot the blemish on the side case
The next morning it was actually an effort to turn the steering wheel on my car, even with power steering. Now after a few days it is almost normal
Crescent beach is a peaceful place to just sit and do nothing on a summer's day, if you can find a spot to park
Mr Conchscooter:
Okay, I get the hint. I have to go down to the Eastside and wear my ragged, ripped clothes in order to blend in, and snap sneaky photos the Mad Dog way.
Ms M:
Holy Moly I never thought about it until you just mentioned it. I must have a 4 leaf clover in my pocket. The tire separation was my fault for not checking the tire pressures, this latest one I am still processing the slow motion images in my mind
Mr Jack "r":
actually the "mishap" happened 1st thing in the morning, before I went to Crescent Beach. Those pictures at Tiggywinkles were "after" photos, not before
That is a walking path, not a road. No cars are allowed on the beach. Those cottages have parking in the rear with lane access.
Glad you're enjoying riding with whichever machine. I spoke to a person at work who recently sold his Bandit 400. He told me he just got tired of having to 'rev' the thing to get any power due to low torque at the low end. Perhaps you have to work too hard to get it moving vs the CVT of the scooter which appears effortless.
Take it for a ride into the Valley away from urban traffic, the it will shine.
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
Late comment. Nothing new to say right now. Just wanted to offer support and send whatever good Karma your way I can. However, I don't see wearing Crocs for you or anyone else! :)