While I had my armoured riding jacket on I think that my arm/shoulder took most of the force and "missed" the armoured pads as the snaps were bent and detached. I went down to my local HD (Home Depot) to purchase a couple of sanding blocks (different grits) and a spray bomb of Rust-o-leum flat black.

I sand the affected area firstly with the medium grit sanding block until the surfaces smooths out a bit. Then I changed to the finer grit to get ready for the paint.

When the sanding is finished I mask off the area to contain the overspray using plastic garbage bags held by masking tape

I carefully wipe the bar down with paper towels before painting

I apply a few layers of flat black paint applied in a sweeping motion from lower to upper being careful to hold the can farther back so as to have a finer mist. I allow 10 minutes or so between layers and eventually I have full coverage of the affected area. It was surprising to note that the flat black paint nearly matches the original colour and the damage is nearly invisible with a closer inspection

Eventually I am satisfied with my progress and go out to run some errands for a few hours allowing time for the paint to cure.
While I am heading downtown in the next lane I notice that a cager is crowding this motorcyclist who is riding a Beemer. I find a way to change lanes to protect his rear. I am heading north on Cambie Street intending to ride over the Cambie Street Bridge.

(downtown Vancouver ahead)
Often when I come across scooters on busy thoroughfares I pull behind and back off to allow them some safety. I hope they appreciate my gesture.

(BMW R75/5)
The look of older BMW's is growing on me and I wonder if this particular model has the self retracting side stand.
I eventually return home and remove all the masking tape and plastic. I try to sand the side case a bit, mask off the area and apply a few layers of flat black to minimize the "battle scars" . It works a bit and is less noticeable but the scratches are still there. I think it's time to affix a Canadian flag sticker. Of course I have the option of purchasing another side case if I have an extra $250. to blow. For now it is a badge of honour.

Mr Conchscooter:
quote: "WetBob, some people change their oil on the only stand they have, so one can't be too cautious. The Bonneville cuts out if you put the engine in gear with the side stand deployed, and one day I'll try it and see if the lurch is enough to topple it. How do you know where the wee strom's filter is? you've only had it a week...? (I think you actually rode bitch on the very cool MP3 around l'isle de vancouvre)"

My oil filter is mounted on its side on the front of the engine just behind the front wheel. Nearly impossible to fill and screw on without dripping
ReplyDeleteI couldn't help noticing the shoes...you must change your continuity editor!
My Beemer's crash bars need painting too (as do the cylinder head covers)!
Keep smiling, N
Those crash bars were a very good option. Net you are glad you got them. Looks like a nice repair job. The shoes?
I did laugh all the way through this post!
I noticed you forgot to paint the crocs (but I did get the joke). You know what happens when you fall wearing armor? You feel your age. People forget that the body bruises when hitting the ground suddenly. My top case is still scratched from my fall and I am not going to put a canadian flag on it so there. I have no patience to paint or cook, and it takes patience to do it right, so I call them battle scars and keep riding..See you in May.
ReplyDeleteDear Bobskoot:
ReplyDeleteGreat paint repair job on the crash bars. I wouldn't have noticed the difference. No one else will either. I had my crash bars powder coated (from chrome). They look good, but nothing special.
The cost of side bags is damnable. If you put a Conch Republic flag on your sidecase, it will be lower than the Canadian flag on your handguard.
You are getting a lot of mileage out of the pink Crocs.
Fondest regards.
Jack • reep • Toad
Twisted Roads
Dear Bob:
ReplyDeleteI meant to tell you that the "Tool Tube" on you bike looks great. It fits nicely on your bike too!
Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
Twisted Roads
Go on Bob, beg, and I might send you one though how riepe knows about the Conch Republic flag I am afraid to ask...some stripper somewhere probably carries the marks of his interrogation.
ReplyDeletebobskoot, im happy to see the damage and repair was fairly minor. and, i must tell you, coming from a girl with a slight shoe fetish, damn you were screwing with me on this post ;-) ...lmao...
ReplyDeleteActually the post was really about the pink crocs. You should get a pair. Bring your Beemer over and we'll have a go at painting your crash bars too. When I first got those crash bars I was thinking that I don't want to crash, but they did their job. Thank you for stopping by.
Re: your office staff, 2nd request. I would like you to post a photo of the Peanut Gallery (your office staff). When I was wearing those pink Crocs and taking those Pix my friend was over helping me to clean my gutters. He looked a few times and never said a word. After a while you don't even notice the colour
Mr Conchscooter:
When I get tired of staring at those scratches from my Aero bed under the stilts, perhaps I can find some time to work on them. I thought that I was better, but when I swing my arm backwards I know they still need more recoup time. I still have to repair my jacket, a snap nearly got sheared away
Jack "r":
I must say that for a novice painter, it looks good. Nearly invisible from a 6 foot viewing distance. You should get a pair of Pink Crocs too and bring them to Redmond, Or next July 2010. It would make it easier to find you as all I would have to do is to follow the laughter.
The tool tube is great, but most of my tools are stored under the seat with my portable air compressor. I wanted somewhere to "hide" my tripod and it is working out great for those self portraits while on the road.
I don't know how Jack does it but he seems to know a lot about everything. You'd never know how smart he was by just looking at him.
Hmmm, a Conch Republic sticker, go ahead an tempt me.
Ms M:
always glad to be of service. I also have a collection of sandals, can't resist . . . you know what they say "Life is short"
ReplyDeleteI have an awful admission to make - I wear black crocs.
(There you have it, my image is ruined and no one will read my blog again - come to think of it no one reads it anyway..)