The weather wasn't so great as we navigated our way northward up the Sea-to-Sky Highway to our destination in Squamish BC at the Howe Sound Brewing Co for brunch. At times there were sheets of rain, periods of dryness, lightning and thunder, and later the sun also made its appearance.

Ena Cassells, Paul's sister
Ena is not a rider but today she was pillion and ended up with "helmet hair". In spite of having no riding gear, she made it relatively dry

Squamish Chieftain (the BIG rock in the background)
I have nearly finished packing my V-strom in anticipation of my departure to Hell's Canyon in a few days. Today I rode my fully packed bike to Squamish just to see how it handles on the highway. The only items not packed are my chargers, laptop, cameras and self inflating ground pad.
You will notice a mixed weather bag today. From spitting to torrential rain, lightning, thunder, dry periods and then a bit of sunshine. We travelled up the Sea-to-Sky highway northward to Squamish BC to the Howe Sound Brewing Company for brunch and it was being patrolled by helicopter so we kept our speeds down.
As much as I dislike removing tags from new gear, this was the first time I wore my new JR Alter Ego 11.0 Ballistic jacket in the rain. It was also the first time I wore my new helmet, even though I bought it last summer. Since I was in a group, I did not turn on my BlueTooth headset unit. I could not bear to wear my new TourMaster Flex pants so I made do with my older JR Alter Ego with rain cover on top.
Bob - Wear the flex pants! You will love them! We had the same mixed bag of weather here today too. It appears our sun has gone away for a few days. I have to rezip the outer layer of my flex pants back onto my the mesh portion, I think I will be commuting in the rain tomorrow :(
ReplyDeleteIt is always sad when we lose a motorcyclist and I am sorry to hear of your friend's passing. I am sure he would be very happy that everyone is getting together and honor him with a ride. How is the ankle by the way?
DeleteI'm "saving" my Flex pants. If I wear them, then they will be worn out sooner. Many times I buy replacement stuff and then I keep wearing the tattered ones. Look how long it too for me to wear the new helmet I bought last August. I just wore it yesterday. And my new AlpineStar* boots have only been worn a handful of times and I bought them last July. I still have brand new shirts from Woodwards, still in plastic and never opened, and they went bankrupt nearly 20 years ago
I think it's a great idea to remember a motorcyclist with a ride. We were up the sunshine coast, otherwise we would have been there, too. Paul was a great guy.
ReplyDeleteYeah, and what Dar's asking: How's the foot doing?
DeleteI do visit Ena on Saturdays as she had a hard time trying to take over the business and then having to upgrade her insurance qualifications. I am still taking it easy but I think once on the highway it will be easier than all this city stop & go traffic.
I plan to take frequent foot breaks along the way, you know untrapping them to see the sunshine and breathe in the cool air
I don't know what was up with the weather today. We had clouds and high winds, but none of the rain that you experienced.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the ladies. The ride is very fitting for a memorial, I only wish it wasn't needed.
DeleteIt was spitting rain when we left town. Then on the way the deluge started. I was worried about boot leakage, as the last time water from my pants dribbled into my boots. This year I will duct tape the pant legs onto my boots to form a better rain seal. The JR Jacket didn't leak, and this time I put a rain pants "OVER" my riding pants instead of having the internal rain layer.
After lunch the sun peaked out, but then on my ride home it rained a bit on the highway. I had to ride home solo, as everyone was finished eating and starting to gear up . . . and we were still waiting for our meals to be delivered from the busy kitchen.
The video brought memories of my own trips across Lion's Gate and up the Howe Sound to Squamish. That is one awesome route. Lots of photo ops waiting up there.
ReplyDeleteMy condolences as well for the loss of your friend.
DeleteI was debating about leaving OUT the riding part, but then I thought someone would be interested in seeing sections of the Sea-to-Sky Highway towards Squamish in the pouring rain.
A few riders turned around at Horseshoe Bay when the heavier rain started and I am sure more would have attended if the day started sunny. We had great weather all week, but not on Sunday
I really have nothing to new to add .. what everyone else said, such a lovely way to remember a freind.
ReplyDeleteWhat Dar said .. wear the pants !! :)
And have fun on your trip !! Hope the weather plays nice for you all. You must be getting excited, I know I would be.
DeleteWhoa ! I can hear your voice now, "Wear the pants !! " Sort of like I didn't have pants on.
I'm saving my TourMaster Flex" pants so I don't wear them out, but I plan on wearing them on Thursday. The tags have been removed and they are in "standby" mode.
I can't keep from looking at my maps and thinking where I will be in a few more days. Richard, Karen and Erik have already left and on their way to our first check point in Baker City, Oregon
Wow, what a great idea and a great turnout. You wet-coasters are hardy folks. I keep hoping for a day of nice steady rain so I can test the waterproof-ness of my current jacket and pants. No such luck. The only rain we've been getting is part of thunderstorms, and no sane person wants to ride in that stuff.
DeleteI would say Hardy but that's the way it is on the Wet Coast. If it rains you can't be a prisoner locked at home. I'd rather a nice bright cooler cloudy day but we get what we get.
You don't need rain, just stand under a "Hose" wearing your riding gear. And don't forget to take photos for us. I can just imagine what your neighbours would think if they saw you . . .
Bob, a fitting memorial for your friend - now wear the gear today because you can never tell what tomorrow will bring!
DeleteI can't wait to wear my new Tourmaster Flex pants. On Sunday I wore my new JR Alter Ego 11.0 Ballistic Jacket and also my new Helmet, so I am slowly wearing my new stuff.
. . . only 2 more work days