I recently purchased camping equipment and it was my intention to put my tent and pad in dry bags and strap them to the rear seat, in front of my top case. Then I was reading about theft of tents from the ADVrider.com motorcycle forum and then decided secure my tent and strap non-valuable items instead so if I am unlucky, then I will only have "lost" less expensive items.
It just happens that my Marmot Trail Light 2P tent just fits completely inside my (left) side case, along with my compressed sleeping bag, MSR whisperlite stove, fuel bottle and small pot set

My side cases "bulge" outward so I am still able to squeeze other flat items inside, such as an extra pair of shorts, swim trunks and convertible pants. I am bringing an extra 35L dry sack as a spare in case I purchase "stuff" along the way.
My top case will carry my small laptop and some misc cables and camera, and still have room to store my helmet when I am away from my bike. I have this fear that if I strap my helmet "outside" someone will cut the strap, steal my helmet and I will be stranded.

My right side case will carry my clothes, rain liners, toiletries, various chargers, beverage, snacks and my "spare" camera. I also have a fairly large magnetic tank bag and if neccessary I can roll up my t-shirts, underwear and misc stuff and keep it in there. The idea is to keep valuables secured and locked up and lesser items can be replaced if needed.

I still have a week and a bit so I should make a list and try to figure out how little I can bring. I am known to "overpack" and many items come back home "un-used"
TODAY is my BIRTHDAY, I am now double "6"

As with family tradition we always celebrate on the weekend "BEFORE", so we had a family dinner. Our daughter made hamburger "sliders" (many miniature burgers) I knew nothing about it until it was time to go
Our grandchildren are quite adept to make the desserts

These are frozen cream puffs (purchased), and dipped in coloured icing (homemade)

We also had two flavours of Jello; green and orange, with ice cream of course.
I like jello. I used to only like red, but now I am more dareing and will try more varieties.
I may be old but I still feel young

Happy "66th" Birthday to me
Happy Birthday and make sure you sort out that foot before your trip!
DeleteThank you very much. It's not really such a big trip, just a few days with blogging friends down in Hell's Canyon, the deepest canyon gorge in North America. I was getting better every day, and this morning I "tripped" and now I stressed it again
Happy Birthday! Where are you carrying the crutches?
ReplyDeleteToday, I met some other riders with a Miata along to carry the ice chest...
DeleteWe used to have a Miata. ATGATT not needed, no helmet, shorts, sandals and wind in your face. It would be a great alternative to riding in your declining years. Were you thinking of getting a Miata ? it is also easier to balance
HAppy birthday Bob, Kiwi blessings! Hoe you a brillant day....looking forward to hearing of your impending travels!
Deletetoo bad this wasn't the year for your North American debut. couldn't you just "float" over on a raft with a fishing rod ? I can't think of a cheaper way to get here. The Tsunami debris made it to the Oregon coast all on its own. From there you would be in good (Trobairitz) hands. (wink, wink)
DeleteI don't think this is you. You didn't sign off with
"greetings from rainy UK" or some such wording. Anyway, thank you for your Birthday Wishes.
OK then......it's still raining here in UK but I managed to sneak 4 days in the Isle of Man where IT DID NOT RAIN!!!! (much).
Happy Birthday Bob!
DeleteI was reluctant to post up my Birthday date and age. now everyone knows how old I am. Oh, to be younger and much more irresponsible . . . those would be the gold ole days
Happy birthday Bob!!
ReplyDeleteLoved the look of those cream puffs. Delishous!
Do those crutches fold into the top box?
Get better mate and have a great trip :)
Deleteyou buy those frozen cream puffs at Costco.ca . On a hot day you just pop them into your mouth and "squish". It is easy to eat a lot of them in a short time. We had crutches and I thought I could keep some weight off my foot, but then your arms hurt from all that "dead" weight. Thank you for your Birthday wishes.
happy birthday bob!!!!!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteMs M:
DeleteI can feel "the Love" all the way from SFO. I wished you were available for "a day" . . . if things change let me know before July 23rd.
Happy B-Day Bob. Sounds like a lucky number. Please continue to get better soon.
DeleteI haven't ridden for over a week now. I was going to try it on Saturday, but thought better not to. I couldn't make the Othello Tunnel ride on Saturday as we had a friend visiting from SFO area. I thought I was getting better, then this morning as I left for work, I tripped and landed the wrong angle on my foot, so now it starts to hurt again.
I was going to ride to work today, but as it is my BD, I didn't feel like sweating and I prefer to wear my BF sandals and shorts, and tomorrow I need the car to go to a meeting in Surrey. It is a pain to wear riding gear to a (lunch) business meeting at the Sheraton carrying my briefcase.
Happy Birthday Bob! Glad to hear that your Birthday suit still fits. I hope that you'll soon be able to ditch the crutches. Otherwise, I too would like to know how they'll be stored. Sounds like you've got everything else covered. Do you have a Spot messenger? If not are you planning on getting one? If you do, it would be great to be able to follow you on a map. Happy trails Bob!
DeleteI was going to buy a SPOT2, they are on sale right now for $99. (rebate deducted) from GPScity.ca but decided not to. I would purchase one for next year when I make a longer cross country tour. I don't think I would be that interesting to follow and I should be in TXT msg communication with other bloggers anyway so I would have help if needed. I am only alone for the trip to & from our meet point. other than that I would be with "others" most of the time
my Birthday suit still fits but is sagging in a few spots. I use it all the time, esp in warmer weather. As you are coming here during August, there is a special beach where Birthday Suits are the preferred garment of choice. it is refreshing to walk about down there and you soon loose your inhibitions . . .
Happy Birthday Bob. I hope you have a super duper day.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried putting your riding boots on yet? I don't think getting them on the first day is the problem, it is getting them off if you foot swells and then trying to get them back on the second day. Not prudent to wear your Crocs while riding if your boot won't go back on.
Deletewhy do you always have to make so much sense ? Luckily I have my new Alpinestar* riding boots. They have velcro closures, as long as I can cram them on I can leave the velcro "looser". I hope the stress and heat don't make me swell. Of course in an emergency, I could just leave my right boot OFF and air off at highway speeds . . . no smells unless you are following too closely
Or you put your boot on and never take it off until you get back home...
Deletesometimes you make a lot of sense. must be your analytical training. Why are you posting instead of riding ? I hope you are also snapping some photos for us .
Tire shopping today...
Deleteyou mean you are staying in Corvallis area tonight ? I thought you had the tire sourced somewhere already, as you were waiting to have the new tire installed this morning. You must have done this on purpose as I know that Trobairitz is a most excellent COOK. I wished I could sample some Tofu "something", I love ToFu.
I like tofu too. Just right out of the package and cubed. Maybe a little soy...
DeleteUsed to have it a lot while growing up. Liked it then and still do...
Happy birthday Bob. Hope you are feeling better now and back on your feet.
Deletethank you. Hope your cold is cured too. I seem to be getting better, just have to take it easier
Happy Birthday Bob!
DeleteThank you. I know it's just a number, but a large number and it scares me. The Birthdays just keep coming, until they stop . . .
Happy Birthday! Hope your feet are getting better!
DeleteI am so glad you are going to start blogging again. we missed you. Thank you, I think I am slowly getting better
Happy Birthday Bob! Enjoy the actual summer weather while it lasts.
Scootin' Old Skool
DeleteSummer should last until late September. the season has barely started and we are already half way through. amazing how time just flies
Happy Anniversary Bob... and I say that as I don't need to see the birthday suit again.
Deletethank you for your good wishes. I think my BD suit is in very good condition for its age.
I completely understand about the worry of someone swiping any equipment lashed to the back. My solution came from my camping equipment: Pacsafe. The wire creates a pocket that you put your bag/stuff into, then cinch up the neck and lock it. I was going to use this for our tent and such and just lock it to the bike.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember, do you wear a full face helmet? If you do, we just use a cable lock to run through the visor area. An easy cable lock from a Walmart type of place. I've also heard of people that just carry a pair of handcuffs to clip around the bike and the chin bar (again, or a full face).
On to the good stuff: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I've never had frozen cream puffs. Interesting...
DeleteI've heard of Pacsafe but they are probably only available on-line. No one stocks anything up here. MMM Handcuffs . . . they can also be used for other purposes too. I do have a pair but only one set of keys. They are the police type, self ratcheting thank you for your good wishes and have a safe and relaxing vacation.
All of us are going to miss you at our IMBC2012, perhaps next time
DeletePacsafe is available at REI. Pick one up on your trip south...
Deletethey also have them at MEC.ca I wished I had one today as then I could have ridden to my business meeting, instead of driving
Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Haaaaapppy Birrrrthdaaay Dear Bob! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! How's the ankle?
DeleteIf I close my eyes, I can hear your beautiful voice. I'm glad both bikes are on the road. I appreciate your vocal greetings
Happy birthday. Perhaps someone else's sweaty strapless helmet might make a nice gift? I'll see if I can round one up for you. Where are my box cutters..?
ReplyDeleteMr Conch:
DeleteI have always worried about stolen helmets as then we can't ride home. Helmets are compulsory up here. Vandalism also occurs to those hanging on the side of the bike. I have heard tales of people peeing in them . . .
thank you for your birthday wishes
Happy Birthday, Bob!
Deletethank you. glad to see your cabin spruced up. I think I could live there for a while. I thought of you the other day, will post photo soon
Happy Birthday to you! And many more...
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to reading about your fantsstic trip!
I hope it is all you want it to be!
DeleteHope your weather cools down soon. It's not nice to be trapped, at home with your sad scooter just sitting there. Any trip is good when you are meeting other bloggers along the way. It's just that my first day on the road is going to be a challenge.
I saw that you posted up your birthday suit picture for a while Bob - you 'cheeky' devil you.
ReplyDeleteI hope that is not setting a trend for all moto-bloggers birthdays. Not sure who has the next birthday.........or if anyone is as brave as you.
Deleteyour eyes may be deceiving you. I don't notice anything out of the ordinary. You just never know what you are going to find HERE, photos may come and go, at random.
Many years ago when we first went to Hawai'i in the mid 1970's I was not comfortable with my "body". It was really hot there. We went in July the hottest time of the year and I wore heavy blue jeans, shirt and running shoes. I was sweltering and got overheated. I didn't even own a pair of shorts. Over the years something "snapped". Now I only wear the minimum, except for work, I only wear tank tops, shorts and sandals, and sometimes even less . . . I used to hang out at Wreck Beach for many years. We even stumbled on a nude beach on Vancouver Island and of course, we had to blend in with the natives.
It's not about being brave, it's about being comfortable with who you are, in spite of aging bulges & wrinkles
Well said Bob. We only have one body - good, bad, or indifferent. I think sometimes it takes bravery to be comfortable in our own skin.
DeleteHappy Birthday, Bob. Wishing you a completely healed ankle and many more years of good health.
DeleteAs much as all of us try to eat healthy, exercise and do things in moderation, bad things happen which are beyond our control. I have always been healthy but lately body parts seem to be breaking down. Life is about choices, trying to make the right choice is always a challenge. I know you are at a crossroads and I wish you luck in finding a new place to call home. thank you for your good wishes
Happy birthday - remember, it's just a number and an even better excuse to eat cream puffs of any kind. Take care of that foot/ankle. (Now you've got me worried, my camping gear is on my seat in front of my top case and I always leave my helmet hanging on the handle bars - can't even get to the helmet lock). I must remember to check for yellow liquid dripping from it before I put it on next time. Or maybe I just won't worry about it ('til it happens). Take care - see you in Baker City.
DeleteI was reading ADVrider.com and there was a topic about camping gear on bikes. Mostly nothing happens, but some riders had stuff stolen. I always have room in my top case to store my helmet, otherwise I may not be able to ride without it due to the helmet laws. Sometimes I do as you do but I always worry if it will be there when I return.
Can't wait to get to Baker City too. won't be long now
Happy birthday, Bob! Looks like you're going to make the trip, come hell or high water. Good, then!
ReplyDeleteI'm disappointed that vandalism is such a concern in the Northwest. In California, there's so much rudeness, vandalism, not to mention the nightly gunfire near the mall. It's all gone to hell. Northwest seems to me a whole 'nother world, in general. Little of that rubbish in rural Washington. That's one reason we're headed up there. But I guess there are weirdos everywhere.
DeleteUnfortunately, every large city has problems. You have to know where to go and where not to go. When you are travelling you don't know if you are in a good place or not, so it is better to be prepared and not leave your valuables unprotected. I find that many young people are not respectful of others, or their possessions. Even drivers are not courteous.
I do agree with you about small towns being a better place to live as there is more community interaction and people helping each other. I lived in a small town during the summers in a small dot on the map a half hour EAST of Duncan, BC. There were only a couple of hundred people there, no bus service and only one general store. All the stores were in Lake Cowichan. The theatre was only open on the weekends.
I will be near your area on July 26 or 27th when I head back to Bellingham. Thank you for your birthday wishes
Happy Birthday Bob. As for storage, I will also endorse the PacSafe. I use it all the time when out and about for helmets, jackets, etc. Folds up into a nice small package as well. (http://ontwowheels-eh.blogspot.ca/2009/05/good-gear-to-have.html)
ReplyDeleteGet that foot better, and ride safe.
DeleteI've heard the name PacSafe before, but on BeemerGirls recommendation and testing, I bought the 85L yesterday. I wanted a way to secure my jacket, pants and especially my riding boots whilst away from my bike. I could have used a cable through the legs and sleeves for the pants and jacket, but the boots were the problem. What if someone came along and stole my boots, I would have to barefoot it, not that it isn't tempting . . .
Your link is broken. I rode to work today. First time on my bike for over a week. Pushing down feels okay, but lifting up seems to be tender
A big Happy Birthday to you, you big rascal!
Deleteyou mean Wascal, Wight ? (in your Elmer Fudd voice). I often wonder if you are all right too. Have you any trips or plans in the works ? always nice to hear from you
pics appear and change at random here...hehe i love it! i hope the foot is doing better now?! take care of yourself and enjoy the upcoming roadtrip bob!
ReplyDeleteMs M:
DeleteI knew you would like the random photos. I debated whether the camera should be "in front" or "behind", but I have the other one too. I rode today, but pushing the brake pedal up and down seems to take a bit more effort as it still doesn't feel 100%. I wished you could have made yourself available . . . Hope your sister comes through in flying colours
When I decided to get back into motorcycle camping I took an air mattress because I knew my aging bones would not be happy on a hard pad. I picked up a compact hikers bag 'good' to 45degF.
ReplyDeleteWell I was miserable. I hurt and I froze. Onto Wal-Mart and I had a hikers pad to put under the air mattress and a proper 3lb bag and a hikers pillow. Then I was warm comfortable and happy. The compact bag was useless, but now it makes a good extra blanket.
I found the cooking gear a waste of space time and effort. Food can always be found. Most places in the US now carry some kind of whole grain bread instead of the traditional Wonder Foam. Some yogurt, cheese and milk and trail mix and I'm good to go. Or I can make a stop at McBloaters for a salad. I stay away from the fried stuff on the road.....zzzzzzzz. lol
DeleteI am also trying to eat healthier too, and eat less
Cooking gear takes such little room and I want to be able to heat things up. The main meals will be lunch, with just snacks in the evenings. A hot beverage during cool evenings are a bonus