That I can hardly walk. It has been a struggle the past few days. I cannot ride my bike and even driving has become a challenge. I thought that I was getting better. I had been digging into my stash of Celebrex and from my perspective I thought the swelling had reduced but Mrs Skoot said that it still looked swollen from the rear so I snapped a photo

It even hurts to wear shoes, not that I mind but I have had to wear running shoes to work and just not lace up so tight.
I sure hope it clears up soon or it may put a wrench into my riding plans this summer
Hey Bob.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't look like a sprained ankle. If the doctor hasn't already told you, you've got gout. Google gout in the ankle and you'll find out what causes it.
DeleteI don't have symptoms of gout. No inflamation, no burning, no pain in my big toe, it doesn't hurt to walk, just doesn't feel right and too swelled to wear shoes, or riding boots. It is not red. Just not normal in size
That looks painful! If it is gout you might want to avoid high protein food. No red meats, no eggs no fatty foods helped a friend of mine get better with this condition, but he still needed anti-inflammatory meds, so please go see a doctor, and get your kidneys checked while you're at it. Be better soon!!!
Deletewe seldom have red meat, mostly fish or chicken. Doesn't really hurt but hard to bend so hard to walk. I am trying to baby it. It hurts to wear confining shoes like loafers as they don't stretch much. I am wearing running shoes to work and leave the laces loose. I don't think it is diet related as I stressed it on the weekend by bending it too much. I have two weeks to heal . . . or else
Yeah come on Bob, sort you shit out and get to a have roads to ride and people to visit, hopefully they will sort it quick for you. I am lookimg forward too seeing all you bloggers getting together, you included.
DeleteI think I can cram my foot into my riding boots. I just don't know what it will look like hours later "down the road". My Doctor is useless. She gave me a supply of Celebrex the last time and they never could figure out what it was, even after all those tests.
This weekend I plan to do nothing and just sit in the sun with my legs up and let my foot rest for a couple of days, and also snap my fingers like a King. I still have to sort out what to pack, and work on isolating my highway pegs as there is too much vibration. My plan will go ahead . . . until it doesn't . . .
All the best mate and good luck, just want to see youout on the road.
DeleteTime is running out. I still have to figure out my packing. I may try riding tomorrow when I work on my highway pegs, and try packing my bike to see what it feels like
Swelling in the lower extremities is never good. Could be a sign of a cardiac or vascular problem.
ReplyDeletePlease get to a doctor that will listen to you. Things like this cannot be put off!
When my feet hurt, my Crocs are often the only shoes I can tolerate. Would they let you wear a pair of those to work? (Maybe not the ORANGE ones! LOL)
Take care and get seen asap!
DeleteI still think I stressed myself and it is just swollen. It should go away in a few days. I hope nothing else is wrong. My Crocs© are Pink not Orange, but I have a pair of clogs which I wear at work. I just need a loose fitting pair of shoes, then on the weekend I change into my sandals again.
Bob....I'm not one to go to the doctor, but I have to agree with this crowd. Swelling in the ankles, feet- not a good sign. Get thee to a doctor, find a new one, whatever. Go before you get taken on a stretcher. The fact that you don't feel any pain and no redness is even worse.
DeleteI am like you, we are alike . . . we are birds of a feather. I also dislike seeing the Doctor, and wait for time to heal. In my mind it is just swollen and it will go away, hopefully sooner than later. I think that no pain, no redness and doesn't hurt to touch means I am getting better
:( ouch! mrs skoot is right, that is swollen, and imho i think it does look red around the base of the swelling. im sorry bob, thats no fun. i can relate, im having difficulties this year too, ugh. bob, please get a new doctor! fast!
ReplyDeleteMs M:
DeleteI can't see from the "rear", from my looking down perspective, it looks sort of, Okay. I was surprised when I took that photo how swelled it was. I know you are also experiencing problems, must be the high heels. One thing for sure, I don't think I could wear high heels right now either.
Get better soon Bobskoot. And be glad it doesn't cost you hundreds of dollars to go see the doctor. If you aren't satisfied with your doctor go to Urgent Care or the walk in clinic. You will see someone different.
ReplyDeleteDo not make it worse by riding. If you have to you can drive your Vette to the IMBC, it is an automatic.
Okay fine, I know you won't drive the Vette, but otherwise Mrs. Skoot will have to drive you down or you'll have to ride pillion behind someone. :-)
Hope it feels better soon. Should you even be walking on it? Maybe crutches for a few days will help. Only 2 weeks to go.
DeleteI feel great, just not walking so great. I am going to relax this weekend, work on my packing and maybe even swing my leg over my bike. We have crutches somewhere but they hurt my arms as I am too heavy . . .
I suppose I could hazard a diagnosis from 5,000 kilometers away but allow me to simply wish you all the best. That the motorcycle has everything and is in perfect condition and you are not is a tribute to your tenacity and determination to make the ride. I hope pros give you the green light, you deserve it.
ReplyDeleteMr Conchscooter:
Deletethank you for your good wishes. That alone makes me feel better. Less than 2 weeks until lift off, I hope to be better before then
Hope you are feeling better Bob.
Deletethank you. I don't think I can be there for lunch as we have a friend visiting from California and we are taking her out.
Uh, Bob, buy some ice. That looks like it hurts like a habanero enema. Take care of yourself and get out riding when you're well.
Behind Bars - Motorcycles and Life
DeleteI was already offered Ice, but I declined as it is too cold for me. NOPE, doesn't hurt. Just doesn't feel right and I don't want to flex it, or stretch un-neccessarily
I don't think that is gout. If it were it could easily be cleared up with a few tablets of "celery seed" from the health food store. Has worked for a lot of folks and it is perfectly natural. But I do agree that a different doctor might be in order. If they have taken e-xrays and no break or fracture is present, then it is probably some kind of soft tissue (muscle,tendon,ligament) damage which really sucks as it takes quite some time for that to get back into order.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing the right thing by putting it up. But also you might want to consider alternating between heat and ice. I got this information from a "sports medicine" doctor after the conventional ones didn't seem to know what they were doing. In my case, I had rolled it on a tree root that sent me flying into the parking lot! Anyway, what he said to do was to put it in ice water (really....water with as much ice as I could stand) for ten minutes, then in hot water as hot as I could stand for ten minutes then elevate ubove the heart. This was for the first 24-48 hours after the injury though. I do not know how long you have been this way or what the situation is. But the information my still be helpful to you.
Anyway, he said to do this 3-4 times a day for 2-3 days keeping the foot up above the heart as much as possible. His reasoning was that the alternating hot and cold forces the tissues to contract pushing the fluids out of the area "naturally" and also to use an ace wrap but be careful of the amount of pressure as you do not want to cut your circulation off. Need to have good blood flow to promote the healing. Also, take zinc which helps in tissues repair along with immune boosters like Vit C, etc.
I have a boot that I used during that time that I used for 2 days and got annoyed with it. I only used it if I "had" to get up for some reason as I was not allowed to put pressure on my foot at that time either. Let me know if you want to use it. it's an "air boot" so you can adjust the pressure as much or little as you need to.
hopefully, you can get this sorted out before you try to ride. You need your ankles and I'm not sure I would try to make a run like that with this kind of an injury...:-(.
Deletenever heard of an Air Boot. I am being very careful right now not to bump it or anything like that. I tried not to walk too much today and will walk less tomorrow. I'm stubborn and refuse to take medication most of the time
Dude, that's the others have said, find another doctor!
DeleteIf it gets worse maybe I'll try to see someone else. So far I think it is getting better. I seldom visit a Doctor unless I am in great pain, and I have no pain. It was throbbing a bit the other day but not now
Bob, I don't think it's gout...I get this once in a while...especially after a long flight...Say Montreal-Vancouver and then it goes away in a couple of days...My opinion is: Blood circulation not so good lah...Check with Doctor asap....
DeleteI know it's not Gout either, but they don't know what it is or why this is recurring. I hope it's not bad circulation, otherwise that may mean more problems. Maybe the Doctor will say it will get better by riding more
He ain't goin....:-(
ReplyDeleteHis wife needs to take a switch to his hide!
Celebrex (to my knowlege) is a steroid. Why did she prescribe that if she didn't know the cause of the issue??. Gotta love these doctors that treat folks like cattle with another tag on the ear....:-(.
DeleteI think it is also an anti-imflamatory so I take it to reduce the swelling. I think Advil will do the same thing
Celebrex is an NSAID - non-steroidal anti inflammatory.
ReplyDeleteLove your PINK Crocs! :-)
Take care of yourself...
Deletethank you for that link. I am glad that it may be nothing serious and I will be better in a day or so . You should get a pair of PINK Crocs© soon as I heard that they discontinued that colour
Ok. You have plenty of good advice that you aren't going to take. So I'm gonna be's water retention. ;)
ReplyDeleteIce and heat. Ice and heat! ICE AND HEAT!!!
DeleteYou have been known to be right before, and I am sure that one day . . . you will be right again. We are getting heat this weekend. Summer has arrived
Bob, you should be feeling the love by now, so do take care.
DeleteYes, I do feel loved. Thank you for your good wishes
ReplyDeleteElephantiasis - nothing to worry about - just buy the next size up croc(tm)
Dr Nikos
Dr Nikos:
Deletethank you for your expert opinion. In your case, there is NO NEXT size so don't grow anymore
I agree with everyone else here, it's not gout, I also don't think it's anything too sinister like heart or circulation (both ankles would be effected) it's likely just a strain of some kind and if that's the case the anti-inflammatories should help, and rest ... but not too much rest mate, once you can walk on it, get it moving again (gently) or it will seize up on you, that happens to older blokes I've heard :P
ReplyDeleteOne thing to keep in mind, those Celebrex aren't good with prolonged use, if it isn't getting better soon I'd head back to the doctor.
Get well soon Bob :)
Cheers Brenda
DeleteYou medical opinion carries the most weight. I know it's not gout, but I must have stressed it. I am walking gently and not far. In the morning it is stiff, so I take it easy and soon I can walk better
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! It looks sore! I am thinking you might have some sort of arthritis thing/tendonitis. My dad has arthritis & his ankle puffs up like a balloon. Unfortunately after I sprained my ankle a few months back I get random swelling, once you hurt it, it is prone to swelling & strains. I use Traumeel or Thompson's Arnica cream & it helps with inflammation & pain. You need to elevate it, cut out salt for a bit too. Take care of yourself my friend! Take the vette - baby you will be the cool one driving with your pink crocs!
DeleteEvery day it gets a bit better. This month I am a klutz. I stubbed my toe and the nail underneath is BLACK. I smashed my right hand in the car door when it closed trapping me. My origial nail has not yet completely dropped off yet. It keeps getting caught on clothes. It will hurt if it ripps off. I need a "DAR" nurse . . .
Get well soon Bob - looking forward to seeing motorcycle adventure photos from you.
ReplyDeleteEl D:
DeleteI'm looking forward to it to. Can't wait to get on the open road. It's not really an adventure, just a week or so down in Hell's Canyon (Oregon) where it's going to be like being in an Oven
For what it's worth, I've been a healthcare professional for 24 years. I hope you get it checked out.
DeleteI tend not to see anyone if I see things progressing for the better. Those pills I had were remnants from a previous visit. I self prescribed them to myself in the hopes that they would work, but I would not have any objections to be examined by you, if you happened to be near . . .
If all that you got from your doc was an Rx for Celebrex but no diagnosis -- if that's what we all have to look forward to in terms of medical help -- then it's time we all went to med school so we could do our own diagnosis and treatment.
ReplyDeleteI'm just adding my voice to the crowd. Maybe you need to bump up to a specialist. Sure looks ugly.
DeleteI self prescribed them to myself. I did not seek help this time. I did a bit of internet investigation and determined that the swelling would go away, given enough time. Plus I have excellent reader resources such as Deb & Dar
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you (does that help at all?)Take Care.
Deletetoes crossed would be better. You take care too and ride safely. See you soon in Baker City
Lets hope the trip doesn't have to wait until you retire.
DeleteI would love to retire and take a longer trip but the economy isn't helping with all the market crashes and recoveries
I know how you feel. For us motorbike enthusiasts, it must be very upsetting to not ride your own bike for a while. Just the idea of being away from my bike is unbearable. Though it sounds over-sentimental, it’s the truth, especially when your passion really burns for motorbikes.
ReplyDeleteClaudio Mccarty