I am not intentionally ignoring any of you. Being off the grid and without internet was like going through drug withdrawal. We had no internet in Joseph and it seems that the cheaper places I have been staying had marginal service which would drop off. I even tried to tether my iPhone as a WiFi spot but it was very cumbersome and slow and in the end I gave up. I am getting caught up on many of your recent posts but it seems silly to comment on "non-current" events which in some cases are several posts behind. The past few days I was either visiting or tired from being on the road by myself. I didn't turn my computer on nor did I even download images from my SD cars.
This particular trip for me was a journey of self discovery. I had time to do a lot of thinking while riding. I also did many "Firsts", things that I have not done before, and would surprise people that know me if they found out.
I met a few other riders while on the road, and will feature them in upcoming posts. I also met a "LEGEND" yesterday who rode all the way from Cincinnati, Ohio and the first words uttered from his lips were something like, "Finally I have gotten to meet the famous BobSkoot, it was on my bucket list". I mean I am only an ordinary person.
When I first started this blog it was my second attempt. I couldn't figure out how blogger worked and gave up. I was secretive, I kept personal things private. I actually changed my format a bit which you may not have realized to make things more personal. I changed the comments section so my replies would be personally directed to the commenter. I have been revealing more details into my life, not that anyone would be interested
I know, I post a lot of feet photos. Did you know that I was always a shy person. I never showed any "skin" nor did I ever NOT wear shoes. Even in the heat of summer I wore hot smelly running shoes. Then one day I snapped. I started to wear the minimum, you know, tank tops, shorts , no shoes or sandals. I mean, I am at a point in life that I do what I want, wear what I want . . . I worry less about what people think, hence the Pink Crocs which were introduced to me by Mr Conchscooter (Key West Diary). I have even worn my Pink Crocs to Bike night BBQ's and not one person said a word. Another thing you may not realize that after I started to post feet photos I gained a further 100 hits a day on this blog, so I continue.
I tried to meet Cesar the other night where I was staying in Eugene. So to Cesar, NO, I do not usually wear High Heels, though I don't think there's anything wrong with that either. Perhaps our paths will cross "next time"
When I was packing up to leave Joseph, OR after our iBMC2012 was over, I had everytbing loaded up on my bike ready to go. At the last moment I remembered that I had a drink in the fridge. Yes, my drink was there but someone had left another one for me. It had an unusual name and I chuckled when I saw it. I actually smiled to myself. The one who left this for me knows who he is. I have been challenging my brain thinking of a rebuttal. I think "au naturelle" is the only way that this beverage can be consummed.
Thursday morning found me shivering in my tent. After warm weather in Hell's Canyon of nearly 100°F, the Coast was a numbing 60°F . I brought NO cold weather clothes with me, no fleece, no sweaters, no insulated liners. Marine air is like a drizzly, raining mist. Everthing was wet and damp. I only brought a minimally rated sleeping bag with me rated to 45°F but it was not enough. As has been my lifelong practice to sandwich my naked body under my duvet, or in this case sandwich myself with my sleeping bag

I was shivering and at 3:19am I had to wake up and put on all the layers that I brought
It was short riding day for me

how did I end up here. Details to be revealed soon. BobSkoot arrives in Corvallis, Oregon
ReplyDeleteYou are no ordinary person
DeleteI am always humbled when people go out of their way for 'lil 'ole me, or do favours for me. I am grateful and happy to know all of you and one day perhaps our paths will cross.
DeleteI hope so too, but hopefully not in a camp site!
Bob, what a great trip. Your posts are always a pleasure to read. I have to say that I don't think that it's really your feet that are driving your pageviews. It's you. All of you. You're smart, gutsy, adventurous, kind, thoughtful, and you let all those wonderful traits come through in your posts. So keep it up, because if you write the posts, I will read them. And I learn as I read. Warm regards, David.
DeleteGosh, golly gee . . . you're making me blush. I am just an ordinary guy, aging faster than I would like and trying to meet every one I can.
Well, it's not the feet pics that keep me coming back. I enjoy getting to know folks like you with common interests, great pics, and good commentary. I'm glad you are no longer the shy guy. Life's too short to worry about stuff like that, right? I can't wait to hear how you ended up in Corvallis. Hope all is okay!
Deleteyou're right about life being too short. I'm trying to squeeze in all that I can. We can't worry about what other people think. I really am shy, but I have learned to hide behind my camera . . .
I am so glad for the internet for all of us to be able to connect. I mean, how could we do this during the old days ?
You sure this isn't turning into the barecoastscootin blog? Looking forward to the rest of the story, but please wear some cloths, Bob.
DeleteI think that's a compliment. from shy to extrovert, I'm not afraid to make fun of myself. Sometimes I think people are too reserved and not say how they feel, or wear what we think others want to see. I am usually barefoot at home. It is healthier for your foot muscles. It seems silly to wear sandals or Crocs© to conform. I also sleep nude and always have so I suppose if you haven't tried it then you don't know how liberating it feels.
AHD - Barecoastscootin - that is funny.
ReplyDeleteThe lawn in the last picture is looking a little dry. I hope your tent, still misty from the coast, dripped some moisture on it for the homeowners, lol.
Great seeing you Bob and thank you for dinner.
We are all glad you came out of your shell. If you weren't the way we know you from your Blog we wouldn't know what to do.
DeleteActually I was drying out my tent. It was still wet from the marine drizzle. You surprised me by coming home early, I just finished packing everything away "just in time".
I am always happy to see both of you, it's always a pleasure.
In life we have to make sure we do things that make us happy, even if it seems silly at the time. It's these little things that we remember and gives us a reason to smile when we think back . . .
If I was predictable and normal, no one would remember me
Back on the grid means tha you're back home? I like the tent set up in the front yard, did it affect their property value?
DeleteI notice you also made it home safely. You travelled many miles and your Beemer never missed a beat. Yes, I think anytime a tent is pitched, property values plummet
Bob, don't change a thing. But 100 extra hits a day for bare feet? That's the secret of blogging success? Who knew?
DeleteYou will most likely always find me barefoot or in barefoot type sandals. I had a foot problem and it is a way of strengthing my foot muscles, something that shoes discourage.
thank you for your encouragement
Tent on the front lawn?? Now I read that they weren't home...so I can understand how you got away with it. ;)
ReplyDeleteyou're back ! Can't wait until you post details of your trip. We have been anxiously awaiting your ride report(s). I was doing tent maintenance and was mainly hidden behind the trees. It was so relaxing to just enjoy the warmth & resting
Mmmm. I don't recall calling you the "famous Bobskoot" or that it was on my bucket list to do so. Is it possible you have exaggerated our meet up? It is possible that my mind is going. :-( I was in Seattle after riding the Oregon Trail and visiting with friends. I am glad that you and I got to meet. --Brent
ReplyDeleteI did not give you permission to call me Dave. :-)
DeleteSorry, misunderstood. I thought you were okay with it, but obviously not
I've read elsewhere that being up front and open about yourself is appreciated by readers and good for the blog. I like your self-portrait, post by post.
DeleteOver time I have become more comfortable with myself & self portraits. When I first started blogging I was secretive about personal details, just like many others and many of us are still secretive even with our real names. I've found that if I just post the normal, run of the mill stuff no one would remember me but I have learned to be more outgoing and not afraid of making fun of myself