Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Holy Cow ! Where did the time go ?

I have a hard time planning meals.  I am often home first so I have to get our meals started.  I have a limited recipe collection so my meals are repetitive.   In an effort to shed weight I resorted to chicken salads for the past few days.  I had just enough chicken for another meal so I asked Mrs Skoot if we should use up the last bit of chicken tonight, or perhaps we should save it for tomorrow

Then I got the "stink eye", so I hesitated for a moment and then I remembered . . .

    Near Newport, Oregon   (Yacquina Bridge)                             September, 2012

Tomorrow is our 45th Wedding Anniversary . . .  Whew,  at least I remembered in time


  1. Sounds like you had better be making reservations for dinner tomorrow Bob. Congratulations to Mrs. Scoot for putting up with you for 45 years! She must be a Saint.

    1. Paul:

      We are frugal as we don't feel we get good value for our money at upscale places. Generally a steak at home is better than paying for a steak elsewhere but we will go somewhere for a break from doing it ourselves. You know how it is, you blink your eyes and another year has passed. I'm at the point where I don't want to blink my eyes anymore

  2. Congratulations Bob, for surviving long enough to make it 45 years, by the sounds of it she could have killed you for that comment.
    Yes you need to take her out and spend a fortune on her with gifts, flowers, wining and dining.

    1. Steve:

      Luckily, she never reads this blog. We'll go somewhere "modest" to celebrate and we don't generally exchange gifts, nor do we buy flowers. We're not that exciting

  3. Congratulations and well done Bob! I've got 40 years of marriage behind me, but not to the same wife. You've only got 15 more years to go and you'll get a telegram from the Queen!

    1. EL D:

      That reminds me. A few years ago we went to a Government website and we noticed that you can get official letters for certain life events. I think we received one from our Prime Minister and Member of Parliament for being married 25 years. It was so long ago that I forgot and I don't know where the letters are

  4. Congrats to both you and Yvonne, though for putting up with you for 45 years, I believe she should be canonized.....just saying.

    1. Dom:

      I have it lucky, just like you. I generally buy what I want. Even when I shouldn't and I do, it's okay and she generally doesn't want anything. You know how it goes. There's no money for shoes, but there is for a new(er) bike, or camera . . . or computer

  5. Happy Anniversary - good job you remembered in time.

    Take Yvonne somewhere nice for dinner tonight or else you'll get the stink eye again. :-)

    1. Trobairitz:

      That's the word I was thinking of but couldn't remember "stink eye". I would have remembered today anyway as the original date was 0605. I remember one year she arrived home after me and she said "do you know what day it is today?" and I said "wednesday"

  6. Happy anniversary Bob. I'll join the chorus and nominate Yvonne for sainthood.

    I was lucky this year, our 38th anniversary happened in Italy, Florence to be more precise. No cards, no flowers, all that was needed was a hug and a kiss: bliss. That's the first time that's happened. Not the bliss, but the low risk, nothing to buy aspect.

    I set up alarms on my iPhone to remind me daily as the fateful day approaches. I once heard a lame joke where the recommendation was to find a girl born on either Christmas day or Valentines day, and marry her on her birthday. That way you get plenty of warning from the retail establishment that your fateful day is approaching and you never have to worry about forgetting a birthday, anniversary, or Valentines or Christmas present.

    1. David:

      Thank you for your good wishes. What better place than Florence for your special day. I generally don't forget special days. I have an internal alarm clock so when the day comes around I think to myself that something must be happening on this day sort of thing

      No wonder you chose this time of year to go to Tuscany

  7. happy anniversary to you and yvonne! go out for dinner and enjoy yourselves, bob!

    1. Ms M:

      Thank you. I hope you are well and managing to get out for a ride. Today is Thursday so she won't be home until after 8:30p but we'll think of something

  8. Happy 45th Wedding Anniversary!

    1. Dar:

      Thank you. I also hope Roo is recovering and doesn't keep you housebound when there is such nice riding weather right now. You are so good to her

  9. Happy Anniversary, you two!

    How about a nice cruise in the 'vette and a seaside picnic?

    Whatever you do, enjoy!

    1. Deb:

      Thank you. I haven't had my Vette for a couple of weeks. It's getting surgery for a failed HB and from the corvette discussion forums GM should have made it a recall item, and mine failed. It is getting repaired and I'm supposed to get it back tomorrow. Needless to say it has flattened my wallet.

      but otherwise we will figure something out and go out to have a meal

  10. Happy Anniversary! You've heard enough from others how Yvonne should be sainted for putting up with you so I won't mention it again.

    I guess I just did...

    1. Richard:

      I suppose I am lucky but we all have our quirks

  11. Congratulations Bob. Happy anniversary. Good that you understood the meaning of the "stink eye" treatment.

    1. Benny:

      thank you BUT, I've seen Shirley's "stink eye" too. Ooops, should I have mentioned this ?

  12. Happy 45th Bob.....and just in the nick of time. Another 30, 40 more!

    1. Coop:

      the problem with aging is that the clock never stops. You don't realize it when you are young. You think there is lots of time. Funny how your mind thinks you are a teenager but then you look into the mirror

  13. I missd out on this one. Happy belated Anniversary!!! Where did you go? What did you do?

    1. Lori:

      It was off to a bad start as it would appear that I don't listen very well . . .

  14. Oh, oh Bob...that doesn't sound good but happy belated anniversary to you and Yvonne.

    1. Karen:

      It wasn't that bad. It's just that we got to a late start because the waterworks program was cancelled and I didn't know. That's why I came home later than usual while she was home waiting

  15. Ed:

    Thank you for your best wishes. I generally never forget any important date. I have a good internal memory system
