Yellow Flower (<-- technical botanical term)
I decided to use my Canon T2i and dusted off my 100mm 2.8 macro lens and shoot a few flower photos. I'm not as talented as xxxxxxa or xxxxxxb who are able to give you the botanical names of all the flowers. I am used to the keep it simple philosophy
Blue Flower (<-- technical botanical term)
We are not gardeners and everything we touch turn brown and whither away. But we seem to be doing alright with these different kind of Yellow Flowers which seem to sprout "like weeds"
Yellow Flower variety #2 (<-- technical botanical term)
I also have a Sigma 10-20mm UWA EF-s lens which I seldom use, so today I brought it out into the sunlight and found a flower on the roadway
Green/Yellow "flat" flower (<-- technical botanical term)
There is a fish & chip stand down at the Government wharf and this seagull was begging for scraps
Canon T2i, 100mm 2.8 macro lens
I don't know why I don't use this lens more. It gives good results even though it is not an "L" grade lens. That is NOT my hand, a customer was trying to feed the "gull some french fries
Here he is trying to stare me down
There are two cranes on the other dock
Canon T2i, 10-20 Sigma UWA, set at 10mm = 16mm equiv
then I notice the angry clouds
I decide to snap a shot of the aluminum ramp
soon it was time to head over for dinner with the family
Where we were able to view the evening sunset. The end to a relaxing day
Hope all you you had a relaxing Easter too
Hey, what a coincidence. During the summer, we see quite a bit of "Yellow Flower variety #2" as well. And it does seem to grow "like a weed". At least that's what I remember. It feels like a long time since I saw one in our yard. Memories tend to fade with time.
ReplyDeleteBTW, we had more snow today.
DeleteI started manually pulling them out and every morning, more yellow dots show up. It's a never ending battle.
Sorry about your snow, but better you than us
I love the seagull staring you down.
ReplyDeletePretty dandelions and hyacinth too. I am not great at a lot of flowers but my plant geek hubby taught me plant names in Latin instead of the common names. I like that he did that. I also have a lot of reference plant guides.
Hoppy Easter to you and Mrs. Skoot.
DeleteDandelions look better on the neighbours' side. We are not gardeners, it takes too much work planting & keeping the weeds away. It already takes too much effort just keeping the grass mowed
We've all of a sudden had a crop of dandelions pop up. Must be the warmer weather. Dry enough to finally get the lawn mowed which is nice.
DeleteI spent a good portion of Saturday afternoon pulling weeds by hand. That gets hard on the back and legs.
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter to you and I appreciate the common mode posting of theme seagull.
DeleteGreat minds think alike. I think that seagull was keeping an eye on me. I was following him around to get a photo
I like your yellow flowers. Did you know that you can enjoy the bitter greens of said yellow flowers as long as they have not been sprayed by lawn chemicals? And I'm sure you know said yellow flowers are used in the making of wine. I'll be searching for some taraxacum officinale with my Brownie.
DeleteI like yellow, but not those type of yellow flowers. I feel that Spring is here, it was getting warmer and dandelions signal the start of the hayfever season.
PS: I still have a Brownie in my collection
Happy Easter Bob!
DeleteJoyeuses Pâques, to you too. We had a great weekend. Mostly sunny but still a bit cool
Love it - this was a totally family, food and flower weekend for me as well. Happy Easter. My yellow flowers haven't bloomed yet, but the east coast is always so far behind the west coast.
ReplyDeleteVS Lady:
DeleteIt wasn't a total family weekend, only for the Good Friday. Everyone is so busy, it is hard to get together. I am pulling out the Yellow Flower variety #2 as fast as they sprout. Soon it will be under control.
Happy belated Easter! I wasn't home much of the weekend, was busy with church activities and family stuff and of course out riding!
DeleteHappy Easter to you too. I'm glad your sprain is better and that you are able to ride again, but take it easy, don't overdo it. Seems like Spring is finally here. Getting much warmer at nights
The family sure has a nice view.