We got it home and all seemed well. I was dreaming about motorcycles. I got hold of the Buy & Sell and was scanning the ads for my new-to-me dream pre-owned bike. Ah, what to buy, what to buy. Even though I used to have a Suzuki GS1100L monster bike I thought that I should start small as I had not ridden for a while and then I would upgrade after a year or so.
What-to-buy, what-to-buy . . . then it happened ! My world collapsed . . . Mrs Skoot said that the Yamaha BWS was a bit higher than she would like. She could not touch the ground and had to jump off at every stop to reach the ground. So I thought that safety overides desires and we started to look for smaller scooters and ended up with a nearly new Yamaha Vino 49cc which was over a year old but only had 30 kms on it. It seemed that the owner bought it for his girlfriend, but one ride around the neighbourhood and she didn't wish to ride it again, and so we ended up with a nearly new scooter at a good price.
So here is a very rare photo of Mrs Skoot actually riding her scooter. She only rode it on the hottest of days in the middle of summer and put around 1,700 kms on it before I started riding it everywhere.

Most of our rides consisted of riding to the park and other places around town. She didn't really ride much and I think only because she didn't wish to be left out when I went on my merry, solo way.
We did manage one longer trip to the Sunshine Coast to Half Moon Bay north of Sechelt, BC with a few members of our vancouverscootering.com group. It was her longest ride

circa: October, 2008
at that time I had a Kymco BW250 scooter
Mrs Skoot looks great on her little scooter. Too bad she didn't like it enough to continue on. The BWS actually looks pretty big for a 49cc.