Now this is the final day of Fuzzy's challenge so I decided to go out in grand fashion with a controversial post. I still have some things to say from our vacation to Hawai'i, and I think you all know by now that I am not afraid to post compromising photos of myself . . .

Dirty Feet, Hawai'i: January, 2012
I don't know how many times Mrs Skoot was yelling at me to wash my feet. Well, she didn't really yell, but I just got tired of hearing this every half an hour. It's like she was following me around checking my soles for dirt. And everytime I dragged myself to the washroom, flexed my feet into the sink and tried to wash them. I thought everyone knew that "Dirty feet were Happy Feet"
I don't know when it started but I have always liked to wear sandals. I wasn't into the hippy movement in the 60's but there was a hippy sandal-maker with a shop on 4th Avenue. (Our Kitsilano area was like the Haight Ashbury district of SF). Back around 1985 I went into his shop and had a pair of custom sandals made. By custom, I mean you put your foot on a sheet of paper and he drew an outline of your feet and then made sandals to fit. The sandal was in the design of that era, and were handmade by himself. I paid a lot of money for this pair so I could not bear to throw them out. As you can see, after 25 years, they still fit

I have been doing a bit of reading since I hurt my foot and have come to the conclusion that walking naturally is healthier. This means having shoes with NO lift on the rear, ie: no heel.
I found that when I wore regular shoes, or sports (running) shoes that my feet really sweat, but when I wore sandals I never got any aches or pains and could walk much farther, so I only wore shoes for work and sandals for the rest of the time. Actually, every waking moment, everywhere I could.

I always bought brand name models, and always the waterproof ones so I didn't have to worry about wearing socks. I believe this pair was a Chaco from the tan lines. I think I am the shoe/sandal collector in our household, I am a sucker for sandals. One day I may show you my large collection, I just can't bear to throw them out.

When we went to Hawai'i the first thing I did was to ditch my shoes and go native. Lots of people are shoeless, or wear sandals over there. If you are female, and ride a scooter in Maui, then

you can go shoeless too. It is easy to blend in. I try to be respectful of others. If we visit friends, I bring socks so when I remove my sandals I just put my socks on, and when I leave I remove them and put my sandals on again. No one wants your dirty feet on their carpets.
Free Range toes are the way to go. That's the first thing I do when I get home, and no matter what the weather, if I have chores to do, then I do them

winter 2008
Rain, snow, sleet or sun, it doesn't matter. You have to build up your foot endurance

Winter 2008
we had a lot of snow that year. I had to shovel several times a day, it just kept falling, I mean the snow doesn't get cleared by staring at it
Oh, I almost forgot, I have an internal rating system I assign to photos determined by how many garments I am wearing. When I am on vacation it is my duty to get to the lowest number. If I wear those swim shorts with the internal webbing designed for swimming, then it counts as one, as there is no underwear. So those previous photos with the shorts and shirt would count as two. It is not often I get below 2 so this video is a rarity as I wouldn't normally shed my shirt with my pudgey stomach. It wouldn't have been a problem if I could have shed 12-15 lbs first, but I love food too much. And like a fish I don't know when to stop eating
I have coined the phrase "Hawai'ian Shoes = no shoes/barefoot". They have taken me to a lot of places and they haven't worn out yet
Now some of you may ask if I have any Zero (naked), photos, rather than two. Now Trobairitz made a recent comment reply about "no pants". It is not a new phenomenom for me, it is not the first time I have posted a photo of myself with no pants

I printed this photo about 25 years ago and it is framed. It proves that I once had hair and no beer belly, and have nothing to hide. Your treat for the Finale of the 29in29 Challenge

Wreck Beach Summer 1985